10 Best Website Traffic Generation Strategies 2024

There are many ways to generate and maximize website traffic, some highly effective ways and some not so effective ways!
In today’s article we will cover the 10 best website traffic generation strategies that work and are the easiest ways to maximize your website traffic for the highest conversions.
When you maximize your website traffic, this will ultimately get you more leads, sign ups and sales, and lessen your expenses in creating these conversions.
It is really sad to see so many entrepreneurs and online businesses still practicing the old adage of “throw some mud on the wall and see if any sticks”.
In today’s online marketplace, there is no room to do business this way, as there is much more competition now.
Let’s jump in as we share the 10 best website traffic generation strategies for 2024.

Before we begin, we have the experience to teach you plenty of web traffic generation strategies to improve organic, direct, social and email reach.
We can help you build a real online business, and make money from the comfort of your home. We look forward to working with you.

Best Website Traffic Generation Strategies
There are many ways you can increase traffic to your website, the 10 methods we have listed here are some of the best ways to do so quickly and for the long term.
1. Start With The Basics
Have you thought about the traffic generation methods and strategies that you should use to get more people to visit your website?
If you haven’t thought about it or acted upon proven strategies yet, you are missing out on a gold mine of opportunities to increase website conversions and your traffic.
When it comes to traffic generation and marketing in general, it’s all about content, testing, measuring, and making calculated decisions based off how the strategies are impacting your website and bottom line.
So make sure you get the basics right first…
What is traffic generation?
Simply put, traffic generation is the act of getting more visitors (people) to your website.
The actual definition of traffic is the passage of people or things, from one place to another.
Before you invest too much time, money or effort to making your website reach a larger audience, it’s important to make sure that your traffic generation strategies are bringing people to you rather than the other way around.
If you do not have a plan or don’t know what you are doing, you can end up wasting a lot of time and money.
With so many other products and services competing for people’s attention, it can be extremely difficult to generate your desired website traffic conversions.
There are a few ways to increase your website traffic without having to spend a fortune.
These easy ways can help increase your targeted website traffic, improve your conversion rate, and most importantly, increase and scale your profits.

Brand You Or Your Business
Be for you embark on driving more traffic to your website, make sure any and all marketing material you are going to use including your websites over all image, either brand you or your business.
It does not matter if you are an influencer, an affiliate marketer, local business or a fortune 500 company, in today’s digital age it is critical that you build your brand, whether that brand is you personally or your businesses brand.
The type of business you have will determine if you brand yourself or you brand your business.

As an example: if your a solopreneur such as an affiliate marketer, you would of course want to brand yourself, because you are going to be the resonating factor of influence in getting people to buy.
If you already own a business operating under its own name, you would most likely want to brand your business.
Make sense?
Branding is an essential element of success in today’s world, and it is likely to become even more important as technology advances.
It is the process of creating a unique identity for yourself, your company, or your products and services.
It helps differentiate you or your businesses brand from your competitors and makes your brand stand out in a crowded marketplace.
Branding helps build trust with customers by providing them with a consistent experience, reputation and image across across all marketing channels.
Branding will aide you greatly in driving more visitors to your website.

2. Set Up Google Analytics And Search Console
This would be one of the first things that you do, once you have your website up.
If you do not track where your visitors and conversions are coming from, there is no way for you to improve upon your traffic generation strategies.
Without traffic statistics you will still be “throwing some mud on the wall to see if any sticks”.
Way to many businesses, website owners and marketers make this mistake, and then wonder why they can never scale their profits.

Two easy ways to get Google analytics and search console set up
1. Go to Fiverr – and pay someone to do it, they have the largest network of expert freelancers.
Once on the Fiverr website do a search for “setup google analytics” you will see a bunch of freelancers listed in the search results on the page, along with their prices.
Find a Fiverr freelancer with good reviews and then purchase, it will most likely cost you from $5 on up to about 30 bucks. (Easiest Option)

Why not join Fiverr today, and make use of the products and services on offer to give your business a boost?
2. Use Rank Math – if your site has WordPress installed on it, you can use Rank Math to set it up.
They have a free version available, and a setup wizard that will walk you through the steps.
You can only use Rank Math if your site has WordPress already installed on it.
If you do not even know what WordPress is, pay someone on Fiverr to do it.

3. Add A WordPress Based Blog To Your Website
If you do not have a blog as part of your website, add one immediately.
Setting up a blog on your website if you do not already have one is very easy to do.
WordPress is the best CMS (Content Management System).
Step 1. You need to create either a new folder/subdirectory or a subdomain.
Here are two examples of what that might look like:
1. Folder/Subdirectory: yourwebsite.com/blog
2. Subdomain: blog.yourwebsite.com
***Preferably use a Folder/Subdirectory for SEO purposes and higher rankings.
Step 2. Install WordPress in the Subdirectory or on the subdomain depending on which route you went with. This will not mess up the rest of your website in anyway.
Step 3. Choose one of the many professional free themes available to you in WordPress, and your blog will be ready to go.
Step 4. Add your blog to your websites menus.
If you do not know how to do this, again hire an expert from Fiverr it will take them minutes to do. Because if you do not know how to do this the right way, you will definitely mess up your website.
Once on the Fiverr website do a search for “install blog on my website” you will see a bunch of freelancers listed in the search results on the page, along with their prices.
Find a freelancer with good reviews and then purchase, it will most likely cost you from $50 on up to about 100 bucks. (Easiest Option)

Blogging is one of the best ways to bring customers to you
Search engine traffic will bring your website the absolute highest conversions.
As people search for what they are wanting to purchase, you want them to find your products and services in those search results.
It does not get any better than free organic traffic, and buyers coming to you!
Be consistent publishing content to your blog
Once you start blogging do not stop, even when you think it is not working, it takes time for your content to bring the results that you desire.
It will not happen overnight, but the impact when done over time, can be huge, but you got to stick to it.
There are blogs that get over a million free visitors a month!
Create high-value content
Write good relevant high value content related to the niche you are in.
Think outside the box on how to expand your topics you write about on your blog, all the while keeping it relevant, and valuable to your target audience.
Simply make them want to come back for more!
It’s all about consistency high quality articles. How many times per month can you write an epic, high-quality blog article?
Ten times? Four times? Two times?
Realistically, if you’re running a business the answer is probably not very many.
But that’s okay… if you consistently blog 4 times a month, in a year you’ll have 48 epic blog posts to promote.
Or better yet go to Fiverr and pay a expert freelancer to do it more often, you leverage your time and money this way.
Consider every post (article) like a project: with specific business goals, something you’ll be able to promote over and over again for years to come, and something Google and the other search engines will love forever and ever.
You’ll see, pretty soon you’ll have a big bank of evergreen content and the free targeted website traffic will really start to come in.
Blog post (articles) are like assets, pillars that can pay you dividends over and over again, without any further cost of time or money after its original production.
4. Submit Your Sitemap & Content
Once you have analytics setup, content on your blog, and have your blog in your site menu navigation, submit your new sitemap to Google search console and every time you create a new blog post, submit the link to the new blog post as well.
This helps your content to get crawled and indexed by Google even faster.
You are essentially helping Google to learn about your new content immediately.
As well, Google analytics and search console data can really help you to take your website conversions to the next level.
You will be able to see which strategies and keywords are bringing in the most website visitors and conversions.
It can also help you find errors and any other problems with your pages or blog post, and how to fix them.
5. Build Your Email List – Using Lead Magnets
Email marketing is one of the best ways to build a massive list of loyal customers of your products and services – repeat buyers.

Think of it this way, if you have a website/blog and some of your visitors are not ready to buy right at that moment when they first visit your website/blog, how do you get them to come back?
How do you communicate with them on a regular basis or when you have a sale, or special offer?
The answer is email marketing, otherwise they may click off of your site and totally forget about it..
Lets face it, we are people and we lose and misplace things all of the time, and it is no different when we are online.
90% of your customers will never find you again, unless you maximize your website traffic through lead generation, by having various lead magnets through out your website/blog.
Lead Magnets
Lead magnets are an enticement such as a coupon, discount, ebook, how to video, or free course that you give away in exchange for them to opt-in through a form you have on various places on your website/blog.
Meaning they put in their name and email address in one of your forms on your website/blog in exchange for your enticement.

These forms are connected to an autoresponder, that stores your potential customers (leads) information.
You can then use the autoresponder to email your leads anytime you want.
We have people that have been on our email list now for over 15 years, and they are still buying from us..
Imagine when your email list has 10,000 people on it, a 100,000, 1 million, this is how fortunes are built online.
This is how companies and entrepreneurs create push button money.
Every successful business online uses email marketing including the giants of retail, such as Amazon, Walmart, Way Fair, Home Depot, etc.

Email your list consistently and often
Simply the same as blogging, do not let your marketing leads you worked so hard to get forget about you.
You want to be the one they see every week in their inbox, week after week. This is how you build like, know, and trust with your leads, how you build brand credibility with your audience.
Send them your special offers, or abbreviated emails to your recent blog post highlighting specific benefits or products features with a link to the full post, engage them often and they will buy from you, and buy from you more often.
Email marketing is a very powerful website traffic strategy, that will truly take your business to a whole new level.
Lead generation is big business!
6. Syndicate Your Content On Social Media
Social media is a very effective way to draw your target audience to your website over and over again.
You can create a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or any other social media accounts very easily.

No matter if you are a solo entrepreneur or a huge company, you need your site and content to be talked about and seen on social media.
Google looks at this for search engine rankings of your content as well. Higher rankings equals even more free organic website traffic.
You do not need to cover every one of the social networks as they are ever expanding and new ones pop up all of the time, but at least cover 3 to 4 of the major ones with your businesses profile.
You can always add more social profiles at other ones later.
We have several Facebook groups setup for our websites, they are very effective for engaging ones audience.
If you have a more local business, like a plumbing business as an example, this strategy alone can bring you in tons of customers.
Share your Facebook group with your following and your friends, offer them a coupon or freebie to like and join your group.
Always be thinking outside of the box, and make sure to share your latest content to your Social Media profiles.
7. Install Social Share Buttons
When using WordPress there are plugins that you can install with a couple clicks that will allow anyone to share your content with their friends and followers, this will bring in even more targeted free traffic.
Here is an example below of some social share buttons on a website, and if you look to the right side of the image, you will see that other people have shared this particular blog post 362 times.
Now this means that this blog post was exposed to 362 other peoples friends and followers, the total number of people it potentially was exposed to is in the tens of thousands.
Imagine the possibilities, this is only one blog post..

The setup takes a bit of time, but well worth it, everything we have shared with you throughout this article works and works well, otherwise you would not be reading this blog post of ours…Make sense?
8. Video Marketing
YouTube is becoming very quickly the largest search engine on the planet.
Did you know that more video content is uploaded to the internet in a single month than network television has ever produced in over three decades?
YouTube is not simply just a video platform, it is truly a search engine.
Check out how Videly can help you generate more website traffic and sales:

YouTube’s user-friendliness, combined with the HUGE popularity of video content, has literally made it the second largest search engine only behind Google.
With over 3 billion searches per month, YouTube’s search volume is more than that of Bing, Yahoo, AOL and Ask.com combined!
If YouTube’s user base was a country, it would be the third largest country in the world.
You can go search YouTube, and find pretty much a “how to video” on anything.
I literally took my new dryer completely apart with ease and put it back together by watching a YouTube video.
I could have easily paid someone to do it, but I wanted to see if I could do it, just by searching and watching a YouTube video, and Yep I could and it was EASY..
So do not leave Video marketing off of the table, you will be leaving HUGE PILES OF MONEY for everyone else.
There are entrepreneurs who make millions just from using YouTube.
Now you do not need to be a YouTube expert to create great videos, you can hire it out, pay Fiverr freelancers to create videos for you or your business, again think outside the box.
When creating website traffic strategies, you can either learn to become an expert by taking some courses and doing the work yourself, or just hiring it out.
Check out this Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBentist/videos
This channel was created a little over one year ago, and it has already 1.41 million subscribers, and most of the videos are like 30 seconds or less.
The Bentist has had over 100 Million visitors to his videos in little over a year. His website sells toothbrushes, other oral care products and apparel.
It is listed in his YouTube cover, do you think he has any problems getting sales??
Probably NOT!
Video marketing is evergreen content, an asset that can make you money over and over again.

9. Optimize Your Website
Everything is about mobile usability and speed now a days.
Mobile phones are now basically computers and people’s attentions spans are becoming shorter, you want your website to load as fast as possible and be optimized for mobile, tablet and desktop computers.
You can test the speed of your website here. https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/feature/testmysite/
And here: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/
If your page speed is poor or in the red on the second test, you will want to work on increasing the speed of how your website loads.
The second test once it completes, you can scroll down on that page, and it will give you insights and solutions to speed it up.
We are always tweaking our own websites to speed up their loading time.
Personally take a look at your website on all devices as well, make sure it loads extremely fast and that your website is not all messed up when looking at it on smaller devices.
Also make sure to check it using the main web browsers on desktop computers, such as Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari.
When we first created our site emoneypeeps.com we had not looked at our site on Chrome, we just assumed it was fine, and later one of our customers pointed out to us, that words in some of our paragraph headings were all kinda blurred together, meaning the spacing was not correct when viewing our site on Chrome.
As of March 2021, Google Chrome accounted for about 67 percent of the global desktop internet browser market share.
Our website was fine on all the other web browsers, but on Chrome you actually could not read most of our headings, how many potential business leads and customers did we lose over this?

10. Buy Targeted Website Traffic
As you are working on building free organic website traffic, realize in the beginning it will take time to develop it, all website traffic generation strategies take some time to reap the results from, it will not happen overnight.
Some of these strategies we have mentioned take longer than others to see thy fruits of thy labor and investment.
So while you are implementing these basics we have discussed above, you may want to diverge with some paid website traffic strategies to kick start your growth.
Such as buying targeted website traffic from platforms where you can target specific audiences and find people looking for your products and services.
These platforms below would be the best places to buy ads on.
They use a PPC model (pay per click), you set the targeting and the types of keywords to go after.
You would either hire experts to run your campaigns for you or take a course first before just diving into it yourself.
Hiring an expert to run your campaigns is very expensive, taking a course is very inexpensive and involves your time in learning, but you can do it at your own pace.
You definitely want to understand the basics of how to effectively advertise with these platforms otherwise you will waste a LOT OF MONEY AND TIME!
The good thing is you can literally start with an ad budget of 5 to 10 dollars a day.
1. Facebook Ads- FB Ad Course
2. Microsoft Advertising – MS Ad Course
3. Google Adwords – GA Ad Course
You would want to use these PPC ad networks above for most niches online especially for physical products and services.
However if you are in the make money online niche, business opportunity niche or in an MLM opportunity, you would want to buy solo ads instead, because of the strict advertising nature of what’s allowed with Facebook, Microsoft and Google ads.
These PPC ad networks do not like business opportunity type claims, like “Make $3000 a month from home”.
Digital software, courses and services are fine with them, just not the make money type of claims. Go the solo ad route then.

How To Drive Traffic To Your Website: Conclusion
Sometimes reading an article like the 10 Best website traffic generation strategies can be a little overwhelming, because there is so much information.
Just do not let it confuse you, start with each traffic strategy and implement it, and move on to the next.
Bookmark this post, keep it open in your tabs in your web browser and use it as a checklist of things to work on, one at a time.
The information in this article truly is the foundation of how to build a massively successful business online. Let our numerous years of experience help guide you.
We really hope this article has been extremely helpful to you. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section below or just say hello.
Your Friends And Partners
Richard And John Weberg
Lots of gold nuggets here. Thank you for sharing. Now to take action and them done.
Thanks Michael for your feedback, appreciate it my friend! Very glad to see you will put to good use the information we shared, we will keep the golden nuggets coming! Keep us posted on your progress and let us know when you have questions.
Well Hello Richard and John. How goes it? On your email list for a couple of years now following from time to time when I have a chance to sit back and take it all in. I have been researching affiliate marketing and online streams of income for about 2years now (so much content it creates confusion and doubt) but moving forward I have found the marketers that I have followed to be honest and straight forward with there endeavour’s. It is safe to say that yourself and John have built trust with me and I am now implementing your suggestions and feedback slowly as I don’t have the time I need just yet. In saying that I have freed up time from my 9to5 and drop close for high ticket products, getting paid much more and working less hours. Which has now given me the extra time and money I need to build my business online.
I noticed that you have interest in investing and truthfully you have actually given yourself a multiple streams of income strategy. This is the exact reason for my setting up an online business. To add another stream of income.
I would love to reach out and have a conversation with you on the phone however the number I have does not connect for one reason or another. I will reach out to you directly through Facebook group and take it from there.
Nice Job guy’s.
Hello Jeremy and thanks a bunch for your comment and for the kind words about me and John, we really appreciate it! Everything is great on our end and glad to hear you are now getting paid more for less hours put in, so congrats on that!
We understand how so much information can cause confusion, as when we first got started years ago with online marketing, we were over whelmed at times as well. Eventually we waded through it all, and figured it all out. We began to realize it was all about putting in place marketing strategies that accomplished one main goal of building our email list and following. And it was they to building relationships with people like you, and sharing products and services that worked to help people accomplish their goals.
Glad to see you are starting to implement some of our strategies my friend. That number we have in our contact details is for text only, and you should be able to text us, as I just tested it to make sure it was still working correctly, and no glitches were happening. We have people text us first so we can keep from getting to many phone calls, once you send us a text and follow the instructions we can set up a call.
Otherwise, yea reach out to us via Facebook, add me as a friend, and we can set up a time to talk from there as well.
Look forward to speaking with you!
Richard And John Weberg