How To Start Building An Email List Quickly (List Building)

Learning how to start building an email list quickly and effectively is the best way to sell any product or service online.
It does not matter what niche you are in, or what you are trying to sell and promote, every entrepreneur and successful business online, builds their own email list.
In order to get started building this email list you will need a few important tools and resources that will allow you to gather leads, communicate to those leads, and turn those leads into sales.
When building an email list, whether you’re just getting started or already have a decent list size, it’s important to remember that quality leads are what you’re after.
Along with this, you want to be able to communicate with these leads and their own specific interests.
We’ve gathered together a list of the tools you’ll need to effectively build your email marketing list both quickly and effectively in 2024 or any year for that fact.

Why Should You Start Building An Email List?
In a world where social media seems to dominate and most people are reached through digital channels, email marketing still reigns supreme when it comes to one-to-one communication that can result in sales.
Email allows you to connect with your audience in a more intimate way than any other platform and build a relationship of trust.
Here are four reasons why you should start building an email list today:
Highest ROI – Statistics states that email marketing has a return on investment (ROI) of $42 for every $1 spent, which makes it a higher return than you can expect from any other form of marketing online.
Automation – Email marketing allows you to reach thousands of people at the click of the send button. It does not matter how big your email list gets over time, you can literally compose an email and hit send, and it will go out to everyone.
Trust Factor – Email is one of the fastest ways to build like, know and trust with your leads and audience.
Relationship Marketing – Email lists are one of the best ways to build relationships with your existing customers. You can send emails regularly to provide valuable content, answer customer questions, and even offer discounts.

Steps To Get Started Building Your Email List
If you’re just starting out, it can seem like a daunting task to start building your email list quickly.
However, even though there are several things you will need to do to get started, we will break it down into steps for you below to help make it easier to understand and implement.
And no matter how complicated it sounds, it really is not, just do each of the steps one at a time, and focus on it until it is done. Before you know it, you will be building your first email list.
Keep in mind as well, every one of the tools and software we list below that you will need, have support, instructions and video tutorials available to help guide you.
Some of them have full step by step instructional resource libraries.
Here Are The Steps You Need To Take:
1. Get A Domain Level Email Address
In order to do email marketing the right way and effectively, you need to have your own domain name, web hosting and domain level email address.
You need to have a domain level email address for many reasons, including branding, professionalism, trust, and one of the most important, is email deliver-ability.
You do not want to use a free email address provider such as Gmail, Yahoo, or Microsoft, this will get your emails sent straight to spam.
So depending on the web host provider you choose, this will determine how you set up your domain level email address. Most hosting providers will help you out with this process.
You will want to create an email address on your domain like: or Make it something professional.
Now just because you need a domain level email address and hosting, does not mean you need a full website built out at this time.
You can do that later if your goal is to start building your email list quickly, or maybe you even have your own website already, either way you need a domain level email address to build an email list that has high deliver-ability.
So if you have your own hosting and domain name already, use your current provider and get your email address set up, if you do not, choose from one of the providers below.
Here is a list of some of the top web hosting providers we recommend choosing from.
2. Choose An Email Autoresponder Service Provider
The second step your going to need to take, is to decide upon an email autoresponder provider to use.
There are several very reputable autoresponder companies you can choose from in the market place, the difference in them is the amount of bells and whistles they have.
Here is a list of some of the top email software providers we recommend choosing from.
3. Decide On A Lead Magnet Offer
The next step is to come up with an attractive offer, your lead magnet. A lead magnet is something that you will give away or offer to the people that visit your website or lead capture page, in exchange for their name and email address.

Another way to explain it is, a lead magnet is the enticement, the reason why people will want to subscribe to your email list in the first place.
This could be a free report, a free ebook, a discount, a free course, a checklist, a video, an opportunity, monthly specials, or could be anything really..Just make it relevant to what you are actually trying to sell.
Software Tools That Can Help You Create Your Offer
Whatever you come up with, make it a really good offer, something your visitors can not say no to, because the more enticing you make it, the more people that will subscribe, and the faster your email list will build.
4. Create An Email Marketing Campaign List
The next thing your going to want to do, is create an email campaign list in your chosen provider.
Once you start advertising your lead capture page, and start generating new leads, this is where your subscribers info will be kept, and where you will email them from.
Each of the email autoresponder providers will have thorough instructions on how to set up your first email campaign list.
You will need this set up before you can tie your autoresponder together with your lead capture page or website.
5. Create A Lead Capture Page
In this step, you will create a lead capture page that show cases your offer (your lead magnet). Every one of the email autoresponder providers we have listed above, have full page builders included with their service.
They will even provide you with professional templates to do so, and will be as easy as copy-and-past, and drag-and-drop.

So integrating your lead capture page with your email campaign list will be very easy to do, it will be as simple as selecting the campaign you want to tie in.
And if you are looking to do this through a page on your existing website, you could either hire someone through a inexpensive service like Fiverr to build you a landing page with your offer on it, or you would need to do it yourself.
Some website theme builders like Thrive Themes have built in plugins with templates for building lead capture pages and make this process much easier to do on your own website.
Otherwise the fastest and easiest way to start building your email list is to use the email autoresponder providers built in lead capture page builder, and create a stand alone page.
This can be done very quickly and by anyone, as it is not complicated.
You can always add one to your website later.
6. Create A Thank You Page
You will also need a thank you page – this is a page where you deliver your offer your new leads have subscribed to get.
Depending on what your offer is, will determine if you need to create a thank you page or not.
As an example: Maybe you are doing affiliate marketing, or promoting an online opportunity, and you want your thank you page to be your referral link for the product or opportunity. In this case you could use your referral link as the thank you page.
Or as another example: Maybe you have your own website, and your offer page is already built, so then again you would not necessarily need to create a thank you page.
Some marketers like to create what we refer to as ‘bridge pages’ this is a type of thank you page that sometimes gets put before the subscriber hits their offer page, or it directs them to go and find their first follow up email, and that is where their offer will be found, is in the email.

Our video above explains more about bridge pages.
7. Create Some Automated Follow Up Emails
Now that you have reached this step, you will want to take some time and create several automated follow up emails in your email campaign list.
You basically have two types of emails that you will send out to your subscribers.
Regular follow up emails that go out on a time delay: These are emails that will start going out immediately after someone subscribes to your newsletter list.
They will go out automatically and in succession according to the time delay you set. You always set the first one to -0- and the next one to -1- and the next one to -2- all new subscribers receive this series of emails.
Broadcast follow up emails: Are emails that you compose and send to your email list anytime you want. You can set them to go out immediately, or at a certain day or hour. No new subscribers get these type of emails, they go out to your current list when sent.
The regular follow up emails are what you want to add to your campaign now, so as your new subscribers come in, they start getting your email series.
We recommend adding only 5 to 10 of these types of emails to a campaign list.
The reason for this is, things change and your emails may become outdated, so you do not want to have to edit 50 emails every time something changes.
Trust us, we have learned our lesson the hard way with this one, and more than once..

How To Write Follow-up Emails
When it comes to writing good follow-up emails, there are a few key things to keep in mind in order to get the desired response you are after.
Use these steps to write effective follow-up emails:
- Consider your audience and goal. First, identify the goal of your follow-up email, what do you want your leads to do next.
- Include an engaging subject line that is to the point, tell the reader what to expect from the email.
- Introduce you or your business, make it personable and be genuine.
- Spell out how your product, service or opportunity will solve your leads problems in short concise sentences. Maybe add a testimonial.
- Include a link or two in a couple spots within the email body, you will get more click-thru with two links in the email.
- Use Strong call to actions – Learn more now, get started today, collect your bonuses before they are gone, time is running out, etc.
- Add your signature and contact information.
Writing good follow up emails enables you to communicate and build a relationship with your audience, and turn more leads into customers.
8. Start Advertising Your Lead Capture Page
Now the fun begins, you are all set up and ready to roll with the advertising and start getting yourself some leads!
There are numerous ways to start advertising your offer and lead capture page online, some cost money and some do not. However, paid advertising is by far the fastest way to quickly build your email list.
So the best thing to do, is to come up with an advertising budget, and if funds are low at the moment than start with free, and move on from there once you make a few sales, because you will eventually want to use some paid promotional methods to scale your profits.
We will start with..
Best Free Advertising Methods:
YouTube marketing – You can open up a YouTube channel and start creating and uploading videos, it will cost you nothing but time.
There are over a billion hours of video watched on YouTube every single day, and on every topic you can possibly imagine. It can be a huge source of free traffic for you when done right.
You do not have to be an expert to get started, just get started and learn as you go. Or even better yet, buy a super inexpensive ranking software like Videly for a one-time payment, which will show you how to rank your videos and get great results fast.
If we had to start completely over, YouTube would be are go to free method. Master this, and you can get as many leads and sales as you desire.
FaceBook – Do you have a big friends list on FaceBook? Well if you do not, start growing it, and posting and sharing content on your profile that pertains to what your selling.
Start engaging with people, and find people who are interested in what you have. There are numerous ways to reach your target audience with Facebook, so use it to get more leads.
If you’re active on other social media channels, like Twitter, Pinterest, or LinkedIn, promote your page on those channels as well.
Check out this resource for some more free advertising methods.
Best Paid Advertising Methods:
Pay Per Click (Search Ads) – YouTube, FaceBook, Google and Microsoft all have them. You can set up paid ads on any of these platforms, you bid on your placement and get charged by the click.
This is the huge benefits of pay per click advertising, is the fact that you only pay for what consumers click on. Whether you are an individual marketer or small business, you can tap into these platforms monstrous audiences.
It’s a great low cost marketing strategy and an effective way to attract prospective customers with a budget as little as $5 a day.
Only done side is there is quite a learning curve and much testing and tweaking you will need to do before you see results. This will take you time to get it dialed in, but will be worth it once you do.
Solo Ads – Can be another really effective marketing strategy with the right offers.

Solo ads usually work best for marketers and businesses that are promoting offers related to the network marketing, make money online, marketing software, courses and business opportunities niches.
With this method you also pay by the click, the upside is there is no bidding, the amount you pay per click is a fixed amount, so no need to worry about getting out bid, with the right offers you can your start building your email list and be getting leads tonight.
Read more about Solo Ads.
Use A Done For You System
If all of these steps we laid out still seem a bit to complicated for you, even though we know you can do it, our advice is to start with a done for you system (opportunity), where they do most of the work for you.
There are systems out there like The HBA (Home Business Academy) that will guide you through setting up every detail of a complete email marketing funnel.
They have done for you lead capture pages and thank pages, that comes with a complete money making opportunity funnel.

They even provide you with exact email copy for your follow up emails, and over the shoulder type how to video instructions.
They also will teach you all of the fundamentals of advertising online and provide you the exact sources and copy they use.
This is truly one of the easiest ways for anyone to get started super fast and learn how to start building an email list.
And don’t worry if you have your own products and services you want to set up an email system for, they have a complete funnel builder software for you to use as well.
Your Follow Up Is The Key To Your Email Marketing Success
Once you have started getting consistent leads flowing into your autoresponder campaign, they key to your email marketing success will be in your follow up.
Email marketing is like having a giant funnel, the leads come pouring in the top, and the sales come flowing out the bottom because of your follow up emails.

If you do not send emails to your list on consistent and regular basis, you will not make as many sales.
You will need to be able to follow up very well and master the follow up process, because the follow-up process will be responsible for converting over 90 percent of all your leads into actual sales and customers.
I’ll repeat that, because the majority, the vast majority of businesses, affiliate marketers, and people who are selling any kind of product or service fail to follow up consistently with their email list.
We see it all the time, we are on marketers list who we have forgot we even subscribed to be on, because they send emails so infrequently.
We never buy from these people, we usually unsubscribe, the reason we do so, is we do not trust them or know them..
Make sense?
Would you buy from someone or join someone in a business opportunity who emails you once a month or every two months?
We highly recommend you send broadcast email follow ups at least 4 to 5 times a week, at the bare minimum. We try to email our list once everyday, sometimes even twice.
Guess what? We get great results and have even became great friends with many people on our email list, we have even traveled and vacationed with some of them.
So make sure and follow these email marketing best practices we shared with you, and email often, because it is what works!
Advanced List Segmentation

You can use email list segmentation and variations of it in so many different ways to increase your sales even more..
So once you have leads and sales coming in, and everything seems to be running very smoothly, you will eventually want to learn advanced list segmentation.
List segmentation is the ability to change or send emails to different sections of your list based upon their activity.
You can learn to set up tags or triggers within your email autoresponder provider, so when a lead or a customer takes a certain action, they will get a different email.
This ensures each person on your email list is getting relative content.
So if they take a certain action, if they don’t take a certain action or so on, you can send different emails automatically, and this will raise your email conversions if you do it in the right way.
Using segmentation will increase your profits 10X.
Think about it this way, if you have a lead who has received and opened 20 emails from you but has never bought, do you think it would be of benefit to change the type of email or offer you are sending to this one person?
They might be interested in a different offer, right? So advanced list segmentation will allow you to send individuals within your email list who have never bought a totally different email automatically.
This takes a bit of set up, but is well worth it.

Get Started Building Your Email List Today
If you master email marketing, you can write your own ticket, do not delay and get started right away. The longer you wait, the longer it takes for you to start reaping the rewards.
Building an email list is the most important thing any marketer or business can do.
Take our advice and not only learn how to build your email list quickly and effectively, take action on the steps we shared with you and get started.
Thank you for reading and have a great day!
We really hope this article has been extremely helpful to you. If you have any questions about how to start an email list, or why an email list is important, don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section below or just say hello.
With our kindest regards,
Jon Weberg
Richard Weberg

You guy’s are awesome and always bringing to the table the best content I ever seen on the internet and you really show that you care and you give step by step videos how to set it up to where people can’t f_ck it up the only way they can’t is by not doing it period hands down the most effective teaches I have ever seen from any other entrepreneurs that teach the same thing you guy’s are the ones I will be getting all the tools needed to have an Internet business love you guy’s for who you are and what you guys are about partners and friends that are like family…. Much respect always Kevin Harmoning
Thanks Kevin we really appreciate the very kind words my friend, it means a lot to us!! Thanks for being so loyal to us and our marketing, we appreciate you! Much thanks my friend!