How To Start And Grow An Online Business That’s Wildly Profitable

Learning how to start and grow an online business that’s wildly profitable is a heck of a lot easier and simpler than it use to be.
Starting any business, or even growing your current ones, comes down to a science of simply learning a few marketing skills that you can take with you for life.
You may of been told, or have even experienced in your current affairs, that managing an online business can be difficult!
For some companies, entrepreneurs, and new business owners, this online marketing world can be confusing and altogether not understood.
After doing this “online money generation stuff” for almost a combined three decades, We’ve realized there are a select few foundations that if they are learned, will allow anyone to easily start and/or grow their own online business portfolio EXTREMELY fast and profitable!

3 Rules To Grow A Profitable Business Online
Any business starts with a foundation, and these are what we have discovered and are excited to share with you.
- Being your own brand and authority (Hosting, Design, Foundation)
- Being able to grow your brand and attract customers. (Traffic, leads, Funnel, Setup)
- Being able to scale your business and grow it exponentially. (Upsell, Downsell, Conversion)
So, let us explain in great detail, each of these steps so you can learn exactly how to start your own online business.
You can even start TODAY!
The internet has drastically changed the landscape of business. In the past, businesses needed a physical location and advertising in local newspapers and magazines to reach their target market.
Today, entrepreneurs and businesses can reach a global market with a click of a button. In order to grow a profitable business online, it takes more than just a website and social media presence. It takes hard work, dedication, and a willingness to adapt and change with the times.

Your Own Brand, Content And Authority
Whether you’re selling your own products and services or even if you’re an affiliate marketer, you need to begin building your own brand, website, and content.
Building your own brand, website, and content, allows you to achieve, or set out to achieve, three main objectives.
Hosting & Managing Your Own Business
This allows you to keep your site up and running while a company you may be an affiliate for, may have subpar hosting or eventually vanish all together.
Affiliate programs, marketing systems come and go like the wind. Social media platforms can take down your content for any reason they wish, and they do it all of the time.
Your business needs to have its own identity, no matter what kind of marketing you are doing. This means even as an affiliate marketer you need your own marketing hub, create your own website and presence online.
If you own it, you control it!
Our recommendation for super fast and reliable website hosting is Known Host which also happens to offer user some of the best pricing in the industry.
Your website will never go down either, so your customers will be happy about that.

Once you’ve decided on hosting and creating your own website, making sure to select and create the best domain name for your business.
This will set you up nicely towards making sure you begin designing your brand, logo, and customize your website to your look and feel.
You brand, logo, and website should be exactly similar in these circumstances.
Coloring, aesthetic look and feel, style, and content.
Each of these elements should have matching colors.
They should have the same fonts, types of images, and videos, whilst also containing the same kind of content, written towards your target audience.
Design them in that fashion, the more they match, the more you will look professional and build authority with your audience.
Generating you more leads, sales, and customers.
Your content should match the sound and style of your website/blog, videos, and any form of communication with the viewer as well.

Growing And Scaling Your Online Business
Alright, you’ve put your website together and are ready to start bringing in customers.
Now you will want to grow and scale your online business through content creation and a proper sales process.
But in order to truly start making real money with your online business you need to have a sales process or funnel in place, and you need to be able to attract leads and customers with content production.

A sales funnel or process allows your online business to be able to successfully convert your leads into customers.
It is a process that builds like, know, and trust, while guiding the potential customer to learn more about your product or service at the same time.
A proper funnel should include:

Once you have this process in place ( We recommend using WP and a Website Builder Plugin Like Thrive Themes)
Then it’s time to begin creating content on a daily basis in order to attract your ideal customers.
Theme builders make this process easy!
Content creation needs to be a key part of your free lead generation strategy, so your business can grow organically and with quality customers who are actually interested in your products and services
Whether you’re just getting started or are actively growing your current business, keep in mind you should be taking massive action in these areas to ensure your businesses growth.
A blog article, YouTube videos, and sharing those pieces of content to your other social media and content platforms, are your key activities to do on a daily basis to maximize your exposure and potential profit.
If you aren’t sure how to create content, or want some additional help, visit Fiverr for people you can hire for a great inexpensive price to create some content for you.
Fiverr has many great inexpensive services that can aid you in building your business and income.

Increase Sales Through Upsells Or Add Ons
As your business that you’re starting or growing begins to get more exposure and traction, it’s necessary that you begin reselling and upselling your customer database.
This will make sure that your business is much more profitable and efficient while also gathering it more loyal customers.
The more a customers purchases with you, the deeper their overall loyalty will become.
Building a strong and loyal following that will develop your business into a true brand.

You should be upselling your customers by doing a few important things.
- Sell them products and services that are related to the current products and services you offer or have bought from your business already.
- Sell them products and services at higher AND lower price points then the current products or services they have already bought.
By doing both of these things, you allow yourself to be able to relate to the buying power of your entire customer database.
You should include both top tier and lower ticket products and services throughout your businesses structure.
It also can be helpful for your business to grow and scale if you have some recurring payments coming from customers, so a recurring payment product could be very beneficial as well.
Once you’ve started upselling and reselling to your customers, it’s time to grow and scale it EVEN faster.
Your last step is to begin optimizing and split testing the funnels and pages in your sales processes.
This will allow you to both reduce any ad spend you have, maximize our profit, and increase the overall effectiveness of your business and how it performs over time.
The best businesses in the world are able to scale because of increasing their conversions through these split tests and experiments.

Split Testing
You should begin split testing these parts of your growing business first…
- Your opt in/lead capture page.
- Your main sales page.
- Your checkout cart & pricing.
Improving your conversions in a single one of these areas could mean tens of thousands or even millions of dollars in more sales over time.
Do NOT underestimate how much faster you can start growing your online business by raising your conversions just a few percentage points in each area.
Increase website traffic
More traffic will get you more exposures, and more possible conversions. Building and increasing website traffic is a must.
And learn To upsell your customers over time…Your online business will explode in growth.
You will have in your hands a lasting business or company that can last and scale for decades or even longer.

It’s your time to either start or grow your business faster than you ever have before with these methods.
However, if you are someone like us, and you’d rather follow a proven and laid out path where you can work with an incredible community of peers to be able to do this, then click here to learn more.
If you’re looking to either start or grow your current online business, you should:
- Build your authority
- Naturally attract customers
- Build a REAL online business that will last for decades
- Join a private community were you can work 1 on 1 with some of the best business builders in the world.
Take action, take those steps, and you’ll be on your way to starting and/or growing a REAL profitable business!
With our kindest regards,
Jon Weberg
Richard Weberg
**Comment below and let us know your thoughts, if you need any help, or want to know more about a certain topic.