List Leverage Review 2024 (Should You Join?)

Our List Leverage review for 2024 may be a little biased because we are actual List Leverage customers and affiliates, meaning we have actually used all of their products and services.
We have said it once and we will say it again, most reviews online are done by people who have never used the businesses product or service.
They either do a bait and switch, meaning they tell you how bad something is, and then proceed to show you what they are promoting and how much better it is.
Or, they are doing the review to straight up sell it, even though they have never used the product or service before.
And in most cases they have never even been in contact with the company before or had any interactions with them!

Our List Leverage Review – The #1 List Building System
We on the other hand are actual users of the products and services we do reviews on, and List Leverage is no different.
We have been affiliates for the company and customers of the system for 3 years and 11 months now. So we have experienced all aspects of the List Leverage system, including talking with the owners and dealing with customer support.
As of August 7th, 2024 we have added 33,595 people to our email list and have made over a combined $225,000 plus from the different affiliate programs within the list leverage platform.
This is a direct result of using and following the List Leverage email marketing platform, which generated us 23,474 free leads, because of what are called ‘viral pass up leads‘
We will talk more about these type of leads a little later!
The List Leverage back office is made up of numerous entities, all of which are linked through the List Leverage platform.
YOU can choose to participate in any or all of the affiliate programs listed. This is entirely up to you.
Turn One Lead Into Thousands
“An affiliate marketers dream!”

Can You Make Money Online With List Leverage?
Yes, and lets tell you why we have made money with List Leverage!
Here is the breakdown of our personal affiliate commissions from the system.
These are not total sales, but commissions actually paid to us. Total sales would be much larger of course.
1. List Leverage – $48,004.00 paid to us by List Leverage in direct affiliate commissions, and another $10,518.85 in what is called Click-Cash, we will explain that later. Total $58,522.85
Our List Leverage Leads And Income Thus far. The programs listed below all are part of the List Leverage marketing system.

2. Traffic Authority – $151,018.30
Our Traffic Authority Income thus far. Our Full Traffic Authority Review.

3. Send Shark/Now LifeStyle – Hard to calculate exactly how much was produced directly as a result of List Leverage as we have been a affiliate member for almost 4 years of Send Sharks parent company Now LifeStyle.
So we had earned almost $290,000.00 by the time we joined List Leverage.
Best Calculation is around $25,000.00 as a direct result of List Leverage.
Our Send Shark/Now LifeStyle Income thus far is as follows:

4. Getresponse – We only became an affiliate for Get Response and Aweber recently as they were added later in List Leverage as autoresponder choices.
When List Leverage first launched, the SendShark autoresponder was the only choice to use with the system. We now use Get Response with some of our marketing as well.
Total earned from GetResponse and Aweber is only about $6500.00 as a direct result of the List Leverage system..
What Is List Leverage?
List Leverage is an email marketing system & training program that uses advancements in technology to help people build an email marketing list faster and bigger than they could do on their own.
They have a viral pass up lead system that is far superior to any that we have ever experienced in our years of marketing online.
List Leverage has a “never been done before” income opportunity and software suite of email marketing, social media & influencer marketing, as well as advanced data monetization strategies we have never seen any company do before.
Throughout this review we will explain how it all works.
Is List Leverage A Scam?
List Leverage is a legit email list building platform founded by Matthew Neer.
It also offers ways to make money through affiliate marketing.
All successful entrepreneurs and companies online utilize email marketing, including most of the retail giants such as Amazon, Walmart, Wayfair, etc.
List Leverage is not a multi-level-marketing company per say, but has some viral pass up nature to the advanced lead system, and in earning direct affiliate commissions.
Teaching people how email marketing works is the cornerstone of List Leverage.
They do daily and weekly Zoom live sessions and webinars to help people learn this valuable skill.
They do not charge for these very valuable marketing instructions.

In our expert view, as we have used List Leverage for a while now, it is a legitimate program that can be utilized to build your email list quickly and efficiently.
List Leverage is NOT a scam.
List Leverage Courses
List Leverage has a opening retail product (Millionaire Master Mind Educational Product) which is only a $9 one-time payment. Within this product is marketing courses on various sought after topics, such as.
- Microsoft Advertising (Bing PPC)
- YouTube SEO Marketing
- LinkedIn Marketing
- Email Marketing Techniques
- How to market on Facebook for free
- Affiliate marketing
- List Building
And much more..
If you had to buy these courses online separately it would cost you a lot more than 9 bucks!

It is List Leverages standpoint to educate people on marketing before they ever fully participate in the entire system.
They want to teach people to truly understand how to build their list of emails leads and sell different products and services online.
You can however, come in as a full member if you choose to, you will still get the ListLeverage educational courses.
This education is extremely valuable for anyone looking to make money online. Many people buy this product and use what they learn to market other affiliate programs or their own products.
Who is Matthew Neer?
He happens to be the List Leverage Company Founder!
Matthew Neer the founder, is a highly successful 7-figure Super Affiliate marketer on JVZoo, Clickbank & Warrior Plus. He has received ClickBank’s highly sought after Platinum award status.
In order to become a ClickBank Platinum Client, you must have made over $250,000 in gross sales during the prior calendar year. You can review his success which is quite extensive!

Matthew Neer has been marketing online now over a decade, and is a master email marketer.
He knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to emailing your lists and writing high converting emails. He has created many successful products over the years.
Matthew provides excellent video training in List Leverage where he shows you exactly how to put this entire lead generation system together. He also provides very valuable continued education to support you and help you grow your income and business.
We have met with and enjoyed Matthew’s company on multiple different occasions. He introduced us to the best List Leverage products and we were impressed.
Matthew had us speak at his List Leverage event, and we traveled and visited with him at the Affiliate West summit in 2018, and it’s been an absolute honor knowing him.
He’s an ethical and very intelligent business man who cares about his customers and affiliates.
List Leverage Video Testimonials
These are real user testimonials in this video.
How To Join List Leverage?
1. You purchase the $9 Millionaire Master Mind Product. Millionaire Master Mind Educational Product here.
2. You learn and go through all courses available to you.
3. Once you are ready, you purchase the monthly or yearly subscription to the full List Leverage platform through your back office. (maybe that is never, maybe you just keep the education and apply it to something else) Your choice.
How Much Is List Leverage?
List Leverage cost – Your subscription is either $49.00 monthly or $398.00 yearly. When you pay yearly you save $190.00. Again it is your choice. You can change from monthly to yearly at anytime.
Click Send And Watch The Money Roll In
“An all-in-one marketing platform the delivers time after time!”

What Exactly Does List Leverage Offer?
The company’s proprietary software suite package, which is marketed on a subscription basis, is called List Leverage.
Their viral lead pass-up system makes it possible for people to build a high quality email list through their own efforts, as well as the effort of others.
How Does List Leverage Work?
So once you purchase your full reseller account with List Leverage for either the monthly or yearly price. You will be provided as part of your subscription, several lead capture pages and sales pages that have been created for you.
Through 4 Fast Start Steps in List Leverage, you will next choose an autoresponder company to use. This is how List Leverage works.
You will choose Either.
1. Send Shark – $25.00 monthly – 50,000 subscriber capacity at this price.

2. Get Response – Free Trial then $15.00 monthly to start. The large your list gets the more you are charged, this enables you to grow your email list without high cost.
GetResponse has more bells and whistles than SendShark, this is why it will eventually cost more.

3. Aweber – Free Trial then $19.00 monthly to start. The large your list gets the more you are charged, this enables you to grow your email list without high cost.

In the Fast Start Steps there is also an EASY connection you will do, and your List Leverage account and your autoresponder company will be connected automagically..
Fast Start Steps
Two email marketing campaigns complete with some done for you emails, will be automagically created for you as well in the autoresponder you chose in the fast start steps.

Your List Leverage account and your autoresponder will now be able to communicate with each other.
List Leverage Login
Click on this link and it will take you to the login page – Here is a screenshot of where to login to List Leverage.

How To Get Traffic To Your Lead Capture Pages
At this point you can either choose to generate traffic on your own, and or continue following the Fast Start Steps and purchase some traffic from Traffic Authority which is also interlinked into List Leverage.
Traffic Authority website traffic is very high converting and proven to convert. You need website traffic (People) visiting your lead capture pages in order to build an email list and make sales.
Traffic Authority is owned by Greg Chambers, who has been a traffic provider and selling traffic online for 20 years. They rigorously test all of the traffic before they pass it onto a potential buyer.
Traffic purchase are all one-time cost and vary in pricing depending on how much you buy. Many people buy traffic on a consistent basis according to their budget. You pay by the clicks (visitors).

How Does The Viral Lead Pass Up System Work?
Once you have traffic running, you will start to generate leads, and as these leads come in you will pass up every 5th to your sponsor.
As you bring in new List Leverage Team mates through your email campaign, once these members have their List Leverage platform set up, they will pass up every 5th lead to you.
So imaging if you just have 20 other List Leverage Team mates who pass you up every 5th lead?
This is exactly how we have received 23,474 FREE leads and growing in little over 3 years.
Now Imagine over time if you had 100 Team mates passing you up every 5th lead?
Our free leads are now growing exponentially larger every month on complete autopilot. It takes a bit to get the viral pass up leads coming in, but once you do, there is nothing like free quality leads straight into your autoresponder every single day!.
How To Promote To Your Leads
Now these leads are yours, they are in your autoresponder, and you can advertise to them what ever you want through email broadcast, and newsletter emails.
What ever and when ever you want!
In fact that is what is encouraged by Matthew and the List Leverage system and training. They want you to build multiple income streams, because their main focus and education is to help you become a professional email marketer.
To do this you need leads, every successful entrepreneur or company needs marketing leads!
The ListLeverage system is about providing you leverage, something you could never do on your own, especially if you have little to no experience. It truly is an amazing lead generating system!
Plus all of the products and companies we have referenced above that all make this system possible, all are commission-able, meaning as your Team mates that you have referred purchase any of them, you can earn commissions from them as well.
Time To Discuss Click-Cash *Bonus*
Through the partnership of List Leverage and Traffic Authority, and the two owners Matthew Neer and Greg Chambers, they have created a built in traffic monetization for all affiliate members who have followed the complete fast start steps and are generating lead flow.
This traffic monetization is like an extra incentive for people to build their email list and follow the system. Click-Cash is earned regardless if any one of your leads purchases anything.
It is all based on clicks you help generate by just following and setting up your system fully. It starts generating click cash after the 16th day of a lead.
Our Click-Cash to date of writing this. 08/07/2024
Past 30 Days
$1.95 So Far Today

Now Click-Cash is NOT going to make you rich, but it is a pretty dang good incentive to help you build your OWN LIST..
It is a feature that has never been done before with any online marketing system, and is a first of its kind.
Compensation Plan
If you want to review the full List Leverage compensation plan, click here to see the pdf that will explain it in full.
Review Of Our List Leverage System Accolades And Awards
List Leverage truly believes in recognition, They have given many rewards, prizes and accolades to affiliates for doing well and hitting milestones.
The last sales contest that List Leverage ran, more than 200 people received either some kind of prize, cash award, certificate, pin, letter or something.
Most companies when running sales contest only reward the top ten or so, List Leverage is one of the first marketing companies we have ever been part of that try and reward so many more people for participating in their own success.
There is no waiting period for their affiliate contest prizes, which are paid out right away. On the part of Matthew Neer and Greg Chambers, there is a lot of integrity. They over deliver every single time!
List Leverage Review Pros And Cons
There are always pros and cons with every list building system or affiliate marketing program. They will never be perfect, as we are dealing with technology and people.
Think about your mobile phone as an example, do you love EVERYTHING about it..No, some things you love and some things you do not like. Every brand of phone has its pros and cons, but there not the same for each person..
One thing we have realized over the years in online marketing (and in anything in life) is that something that is a plus to one person maybe a negative to someone else. Two people using the same marketing tools or in the same affiliate program can have two totally different experiences.
Why Is this?
Mainly because we are all different, our perceptions are not the same, we all think differently, based on our life circumstances, financial well being, experience level, outside support, ability to learn and grasp ides and take action..
As a result, everyone’s perception of List Leverage may be different, which we could list in our pros and cons.
Almost entirely for us our experience thus far with List Leverage has all been positives. There really has not been any downsides for us!
I mean all marketers would love even higher conversions, which is why it is so important to learn and master different areas of online marketing.
We believe List Leverage will truly help you master email marketing, even complete newbies are making money for the first time with List Leverage.
Here is a screen shot from the private Facebook group that was posted today. We see these all of the time in the group.

There is no denying people are making money with List Leverage and many people have crossed over 5 and 6 figure earnings.
List Leverage is a complete email marketing system, that literally provides all of the different aspects one needs to do email marketing successfully. Pieces are not left out for you to figure out on your own.
You do not have to piece anything together or create it, all the technical work has been done for you. So if you want to learn email list building how the pros do it, then we suggest you give List Leverage a go.
At least get the Millionaire Master Mind product for the $9 bucks, you can not lose. Click here to put in your email and get started.
A Great Tool To Invest In
“A lead generation scheme that actually works!”

If you purchase through one of the links in this List Leverage review article, we will make a commission. This is the way affiliate marketing works. Just realize any income example of ours we have shown to you, does not indicate any kind of guarantee of how much you will earn.
Making money online with affiliate marketing, takes time, effort and some initial upfront investment. No one can determine how fast or how much you earn, only you can.
We have done our due diligence in passing on truthful information to you. We make no claim to the average earnings or that you will make anything, we are not fortune tellers and can not predict these things for you. For those that are serious like we are the possibilities are there.
We hope this List Leverage review shed some light on how List Leverage works. For an even more thorough explanation you can watch this List Leverage replay webinar.
We really hope this article has been extremely helpful to you. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section below or just say hello.
Your Friends And Partners
Richard And John Weberg
List Leverage FAQS

What is my List Leverage?
My List Leverage is an email marketing system & training program that uses creative technology to help people build an email marketing list faster and bigger than they could do on their own. Their viral lead pass up system can eventually help you leverage other peoples list building activities.
Is List Leverage legit?
Yes, list leverage is a legitimate way to grow your mailing list. It is an effective way to get people to sign up for your mailing list without you having to learn a bunch of technical stuff. They create even your initial emails that go out to your email list for you, and help you monetize your list through their Click-Cash incentive.
There are a lot of programs promoting different ways of making money online. With the world becoming more and more digitalized, ecommerce is a great money-making technique for anyone. List Leverage is one of the Legit programs to learn how to do email marketing and make money online.
How do I use List Leverage?
To use list leverage, simply sign up for an account through one of our links above in this article. Then all you need to do is follow the simple and easy 4 fast start steps in your members area.
What are the benefits of using List Leverage?
There are many benefits to using list leverage, including the ability to quickly and easily grow your mailing list. Additionally, using list leverage can help you build a targeted mailing list of people who are interested in what you have to offer.
The are several main ways that List Leverage helps you establish your own business and scale it – are quite clear.
1. List Leverage helps you setup an email marketing autopilot sales machine. Yes, I realize that’s a ton of funky lingo – and what it really means is this. List Leverage allows you to build your own digital business, by cloning their entire email marketing system with a few simple steps.
2. Plus, they provide you with all of the sales and marketing training you will need. The only thing you have left to do, is to follow their clear cut instructions on how to setup the List Leverage system, which are actually pretty easy.
3. List Leverage gets you true leverage in the marketplace. The pass up system they have in place allows for massive lead and customer generation. For example, we’ve generated several thousand leads ourselves by using the system.
4. However, we’ve had an additional 15,800 leads provided to us through the viral pass up system they have in place. We didn’t have to pay a single cent for those leads, and that my friend, is called pure and true leverage.
5. List Leverage gives you power over your business, so YOU control what you sell and how you sell it. Unlike every other make money online and affiliate marketing companies in the game, List Leverage is about your freedom to promote ANYTHING you want to your list.
So if you follow their system, you’ll learn how to build as many income streams as your heart desires.
What are the risks of using List Leverage?
Because no one can force you to study, force you to follow through, force you to email your list, or even compel you to do anything. The greatest threat that exists is You. This is not a get rich quick scheme; you won’t become wealthy or earn a lot of money overnight.
After you hit that join button, you are going to need to follow through, and follow the training and guidance. As we have used the List Leverage system now ourselves very successfully, we have found that the system does exactly as described. The viral pass up system works perfectly, and we have had no big issues that have come up. We work the system every single day.

I’m eager to get started. I’ve been chasing online marketing for 2 years with no results and it’s been frustrating to say the least. I hope this is the right vehicle
Thanks for visiting Brian, we appreciate your comments. We know how you feel, our first few years online we made nothing. It was not tell we started email marketing that we started seeing success. List Leverage is certainly a great vehicle to learn and master email marketing my friend. Welcome to the Team!
I think this is one of the most significant info for me. And i’m glad reading your article. But wanna remark on few general things, The web site style is ideal, the articles is really great : D. Good job, cheers
Glad to be of help my friend, and nice to see you enjoyed our site and our articles!
Hi, is it possible to contact you, my name is Scott Bradley, I have quite a few questions before I sign up and it is difficult to write out every question.
Yes, I will email you my friend, so we can set up a time and get your questions answered.