How To Get Free Targeted Traffic To Your Website

There is no way around it, if you are wanting to make money online, you are going to need to know how to get some free targeted traffic to your website or marketing funnels.
Without targeted website traffic, creating an income online will be like shooting arrows in the dark.
So first lets give you a better understanding of what targeted and untargeted website traffic is, and why it is so important to go after free targeted website traffic.
What Is Targeted Traffic?
What does it mean to increase your targeted traffic?
The first thing that you should know about targeted traffic is what it actually means.
Simply put, targeted website traffic is any non-spam website visitor.
The more relevant your content or products are to a person browsing online, the greater the probability that they will click on one of your ads or links.
This increases their chances of buying whatever product or service you’re selling, because they are actively looking for what you are offering.

Untargeted Traffic
Have you ever had statistics to show people are visiting your offers or website, but no one is buying or signing up?
Untargeted website traffic means – anyone that comes to your website with zero interest in your products or services from the beginning.
Have you ever went and checked out a website, product or service just because you were curious or someone gives you a link to check out and you go there just because?
Yes we all have, and 99 times out of 100 you will have not purchased or signed up for anything, UNLESS there was a VERY enticing offer related to something you REALLY liked or maybe purchased in the past.
I have scratched my head many times in frustration as I was learning how to market online.

This is because my tracking data of website visitors showed that they were landing on my offers, but hardly anyone was purchasing anything!
It did not make sense to me at the time, but as I learned the differences between targeted and untargeted traffic it began to daunt on me.
I was targeting the wrong people!
Just because I was getting people to visit my website and offers, does not mean they had any intent or interest in purchasing what I was trying to sell.
Just because your throwing mud on the wall, does not mean any of it will stick, make sense?

Why Is Targeted Traffic So Important?
Because 99 times out of 100, untargeted traffic will not buy from you.
So you need to find people that are interested in what you are offering, and then target these people.
It is called “buyer intent“ the more you are able to find and attract people who are looking for what you have, the higher your conversions will be.
So the less it will cost you in time, energy and money to get customers.
This is the secret to getting all of the leads, signups and sales you have ever wanted.

How Do You Generate Targeted Traffic?
How you generate targeted traffic to your website depends on what your long term and short term marketing goals are.
When we talk about generating targeted traffic, we must first define the differences between targeted organic website traffic and non-organic traffic.
As free organic website traffic takes time to develop.
Organic Traffic
Organic traffic refers to “search queries” visitors who come from search engines such as Google, or other natural search results, such as searches done on YouTube.
Organic is also referred to as the natural results, not paid methods.
Organic traffic is the “Holy Grail” of free targeted website traffic, there is nothing better.
Because it is free traffic, and potential customers come to you, because they are looking for what you have.
Blogging through SEO is a great way of learning just how to get free targeted traffic that’s organic to your website.

Non-Organic Traffic
Non-organic (or paid) visitors come from things like Pay Per Click Advertising and other paid advertising methods.
These listings do not appear in search results or social platforms naturally and and are paid ad placements.
The benefits of inorganic marketing: include faster visibility, quick results, and more traffic within a short time.
Many marketers and businesses scale their growth through inorganic marketing because it is so much quicker to get results.
With free website traffic it is a lot harder to scale, because it is much harder to determine the amount of traffic you will get in a specific period of time.
You have no control over it.
Best Ways To Get Free Targeted Traffic
There are many different methods to get more free targeted traffic to your website, but the best ways take time to start generating you results for your effort.
We are only listing the best methods that will end up getting you the highest conversions for the time you spend developing them.
1. Blogging
Content marketing through blogging is very long term, it will not get you results overnight, it may take 6 months to a year before you see thy fruits of thy labor. But is well worth it!
There are blogs online that get hundreds of thousands to millions of free targeted visitors monthly..For real.
How To Get Started
It all starts with creating a website with a good CMS (Content Management System) set up, and then making sure that search engines can easily understand what your site is about.
How do you make sure the search engines understand?
Search Engine Optimization or SEO for short.
This includes all on-page tactics, but also off-page link building, which helps with ranking higher in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) for certain key phrases.

You can generate free targeted organic traffic over time by creating quality content that will answer inquiries that potential visitors are searching online.
And you need to include keywords throughout your content so Google and other search engines knows what your content is about.
This helps with SEO and ranking your blog articles in the search engines.

2. YouTube Marketing
YouTube is the most popular video platform in the world. Over a billion hours of YouTube videos are watched on this platform every single day!
YouTube’s combination of video content, search engine optimization, and targeted advertising makes it easy for businesses and marketers to get their message out and reach potential customers quickly and efficiently.
Not only does your video content get indexed in YouTube’s search results, a lot of times it gets indexed as well in Google’s search results, it can be a double win for you!
YouTube marketing offers many advantages such as providing highly targeted audiences and the ability to measure results with analytics.
It does not matter what type of products and services you are marketing, when done right, it will be a fantastic source of never ending free targeted traffic for you.
How Do You Win At YouTube Marketing?
Same way as you do with blogging, optimize your content for search results. Only difference is your optimizing video content.
And the best part is, it will not take as long to start getting results.
There is software such as Videly that can help you get your videos optimized and ranked fast.

3. Social Media Sites
Using social media sites like Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter can bring in a lot of free targeted website traffic for you.
It will however, take you some time to develop into larger quantities of it. Over 59% of the world’s population uses social media now, so do not under estimate the roll it can play in driving traffic to your website.
To get targeted traffic from social media, you will need to focus on increasing your following and getting high engagement on the content you post.
Start With Optimizing Your Social Media Profiles
Social media profiles play a crucial role in brand building and recognition. A good social media profile can drive traffic to your website.
Optimizing your social media profiles is very important, and should all be congruent and represent either you or your business offerings depending on what type of business you are.
Ensure your social media biographies include relevant keywords. Also, make sure you do not leave out any information when filling your profile details out.
Be as complete as possible so you attract people who are interested in what you offer.
Remember you want to attract targeted visitors, not random people who are not interested in your products or services..

Make Connections With Other Users
The next thing you want to do is search out and make connections with others that have interest in your offerings.
You’ll want to create content as close to your service or product offering as possible.
For an example: If you want more targeted website traffic as a graphic designer, you’ll want to create posts on viable social networks about your graphic design skills, your portfolio of completed projects, what types of designs you do, what markets and areas you serve, and how professional designs can help XYZ.
You could create and share infographics, blog posts, and short videos, that encourage your audience to engage and click through to your website.
Engage with Your Target Audience Consistently
It’s all about the engagement, so make sure you are not just posting content, but you are also engaging with your audience.
When they comment, make sure and respond, and like and comment on their content.

Be Consistent
Set out a content posting schedule, and stick to it. The worst thing you can do is post content for a week straight and then not post for another month.
Be consistent in social media and all that you do, and over time you build a nice flow of free targeted website traffic.
These three methods we have described above are where you want to focus your efforts, they are the top strategies that have the ability to bring you in the most free targeted traffic and conversions.
Next, if you have a budget, you may want to consider some paid methods of driving traffic as a means of jump starting your businesses growth.
We have always done both free and paid strategies, and is highly recommended.
Buy Targeted Traffic
This is the ultimate and fastest way to start getting targeted traffic to your website and offers, just buy it.
It can have an immediate effect on your online business and ROI when done right.
Buying targeted website traffic is very straightforward, because you will be able to target people by country location, zip code, keywords, age, gender, education, profession, etc. (depending on the traffic platform you are using)
I mean if your selling women’s clothing, your not going to want to target men per say.
The more niche specific, the more targeting you will want to do, to find buyers.
Do make sure you watch the video in the beginning of this article, as it will explain a lot more in detail.

Where To Buy Targeted Traffic
It is all about targeting, there are many places you can buy traffic from as I explained in my video above.
I have also shared with you, in my video, the kind of traffic sources to stay away from and why.
Listed below are the best quality traffic platforms to purchase from.
If you sign up to our email list, you will learn the exact methods for FREE and PAID targeted traffic. Plus we will share with you the number #1 rated home based business.

Pay Per Click (PPC)
Pay per click is one of the most effective ways to find your target audience and find it fast.
But a word to the wise, do not go into it blindly, take an inexpensive course and learn the ins and outs before doing PPC, you will thank us later.
These are the four largest and most commonly used PPC courses worth joining.
Recommended PPC Courses
Facebook Ads- FB Ad Course
Microsoft Advertising – MS Ad Course
Google Adwords – GA Ad Course
YouTube – YT ads course
YouTube ads can be pay-per-view (PPV) or pay-per-click (PPC) based on whether you are using a text ad or video ad.
Because YouTube is owned by Google, its advertisers benefit from the depth of Google’s user data.
YouTube also has text ads now above the video search results, they look like this:

Solo Ads
Yes, solo ads have their place for marketers and entrepreneurs that are promoting products and services in niches such as these:
- Make money online
- Network marketing
- MLM opportunities
- Affiliate products
- Business opportunities
- Software & courses related to these niches
Solo ads are arguably the best way to go when in these types of niches.
They are a fast way to start building your email list, and generating sales for your online business.
With solo ads, you are able to do email marketing using other marketers and companies email lists. Solo ad packages are sold usually by the click.
Their list are usually comprised of people interested in these specific niches, who are already proven to buy these types of opportunities, products and services.
Places To Buy Solo Ads – We Use

How To Get Free Targeted Traffic: Final Verdict
Always remember that not all website traffic is equal.
You want high quality targeted website traffic.
High quality traffic that is laser targeted is going to generate a MUCH higher ROI than traffic that is not.
1000 untargeted visitors is not the same or nearly as effective as 100 targeted visitors.
So please take the advice I gave out in the video and throughout the article so you will know how to get targeted traffic to your website and offers.
It is all about quality versus quantity, highly targeted traffic will lead to much more sales.
We really hope this article has been extremely helpful to you. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section below or just say hello.
Your Friends And Partners
Richard And John Weberg
Hi Richard
Really good information you share
Thanks my friend, really glad you are liking it, we will keep it coming! Thanks again for your feedback, we appreciate it very much.
I have increased my budget for paid traffic over organic traffic. I do need to go and research TA to see if they offer targeted traffic. I now have multiple packages going to keep the traffic trickling in. I’m excited to see TA now offer a monthly plan for a very reasonable budget which I will be taking advantage of soon.
I’ve started to do more tracking especially for organic traffic, however it take time to make all those links. What I need to learn is how to set the tracking up to show conversions. You can get lots of clicks but that doesn’t bring in the income.
I’ve also recently changed my autoresponder from SendShark to Aweber. Aweber allows me to import list without having the members to opt in again. I’m also learning about tagging and and automating the autoresponder from the Scalability course. It’s taking me some time to learn and put all this in place but in the end it will save me money and time. Once I get this down, I will have generated a list of buyers and not tire kickers.
I’m also looked at and used some of the other paid traffic resources you have recommended and tracking them separately to see where I’m getting more leads from and with the AR now, I can blast out every day.
Thanks guys and please keep feeding us and the machine.
Hey thanks Michael for commenting my friend, appreciate it. Glad to see you are on the move, and want to schedule a time to chat with you on the phone or via skype. I know we are already connected on skype, so I just sent you a message on there. Look forward to chatting with you.