What Is Affiliate Marketing And How Does It Work?

There are many ways to make money online, but the most common, and most lucrative way to make money is to sell products and services with companies that are willing to share their profits with you!
This process is known as affiliate marketing, and it is a multi billion dollar industry.

There are hundreds of thousands of people, from every walk of life, that are making lots of money online everyday through affiliate marketing.
So we will explain what is affiliate marketing and how it works..So you have a better understanding of it can help you make money online.
What Is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is the process of earning commissions by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products or services.
You find a product or service you like, join their affiliate program, then promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you help make.
Even Amazon, the worlds largest retailer, has an affiliate program, in fact almost every company online does.

Now the Amazon affiliate program does not pay the best, but most companies online started out and grew because of their affiliates, just like Amazon.
Affiliate marketing is now one of the most effective digital advertising techniques for businesses, and is continuing to grow at a enormous rate. Spending in the U.S. alone should reached more than $15 billion by the end of 2025.
We hope this post has started to answer your questions regarding ‘What is Affiliate Marketing and How Does It Work?’.

Affiliate Marketing Basics
Sometimes, the best way to learn is by showing an example, so here is ours:
Have you ever went to the movie theater and watched a movie that you absolutely loved?
It was THAT good that when you got home, you couldn’t wait to tell several of your friends and family about it!
Most likely the answer is yes.
Some of them went and bought tickets, and watched the movie based on your recommendation.
That is how affiliate marketing works, except in the example above you did not get paid for it!
When companies online have affiliate marketing programs and you join them, they will give you specialized affiliate links.
You then ‘share’ these links with others.
When people click on those links they are directed to a companies website.
If they buy something – you will make commissions, and earn money.
“Affiliate marketing involves referring a product or service by sharing it with others.”
If you are the one giving this recommendation, you would be termed as an ‘affiliate marketer‘.

How Links Are Used To Track Affiliate Commissions
When you join an affiliate program for a company that is online, they will give you specialized affiliate links.
These links will have certain variables in them such as an id or username, and when you share them with others it tags them to your affiliate account.
When they make a purchase you will then earn commissions. It is called tracking.
Customers can also be tracked by cookies and by email address.
The more you share these links and the more people that end up purchasing something, the more money you will make.
Sometimes affiliate marketers get so good at referring customers that they actually have become millionaires and make a very large passive income from the comfort of their home.
If you aren’t participating in affiliate marketing, it’s maybe time you consider taking advantage of these lucrative revenue streams.
Most companies online have an “Affiliate Program” that you can join.

Finding Businesses That Run Affiliate Programs
This is the easy part, all you need to do is visit a companies website, scroll down and look in the footer to see if they have a link to their affiliate program.
You can then join from that link or apply to join as some companies require you to get approved first.

The other thing you can do is go to a search engine, such as Google, and carry out a search or two.
For Example: “Does XYZ Company have an affiliate program?”
Go through those search results, and you may be surprised at just how many companies have affiliate programs.
Some affiliate programs cost money to join and usually provide you with marketing tools as part of the cost. (this is called Network Marketing or MLM), but that depends on their model.
Many affiliate programs are completely free, and you will to need to apply to get excepted in most cases.
We sell products and services for both models, and of course we would be delighted to help YOU start your own affiliate or network marketing journey.

How To Promote & Sell Products As An Affiliate Marketer?
There are many ways to promote and sell products and services as an affiliate marketer.
You could do affiliate marketing through blogging, and sell products and services based on reviews of them.
People love good review sites that are honest and offer a range of opinions.
The key to blogging is to develop loyal readers who keep coming back for more.
Over time, you become ‘an authority. to them. In other words, they trust your ‘voice’ and will lean on your advice and recommendations.
Crafting lead in offers and building a newsletter, through email marketing, is a great way to build and engage with an audience because they crave new products and services.
If this interests you, why not sign up to our course?
We’ll teach you how to start earning money as an affiliate marketer.
Another method is through social media marketing, which is huge!

If you have a large PodCast, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok or LinkedIn following, affiliate marketing can be a great way to put some extra money in your pocket.
There are over 100 social media networks you could promote on to.
YouTube marketing deserves an honorable mention as we have many clients who are killing it promoting and sharing goods and services.
The possibilities are truly endless.
Every where you turn online, is a potential avenue to make money.
The saying goes “You can either be a consumer of content, or be the provider” You choose!
What Products & Services Do Affiliate Marketers Promote?
There are so many niches and options online, that it really can just be what you are excited about and want to sell.
People sell everything online, and some people fail at selling one type of product or service and excel at another.
You just need to start somewhere, anywhere, it really does not matter, you will fine tune it as you go along (with our help)
This is what we have done over the years, and sometimes your interest will change in what you want to sell.
The biggest thing is just to take action and give it a try..
Here are three of our favorite affiliate programs
As they cover the largest variety of products and services, and are three of the largest and highest paying affiliate networks available:
1. Fiver Affiliate Program Click Here
2. Clickbank Affiliate Program Click Here
3. Home Business Academy Click Here
The Home Business Academy not only has a great affiliate program, but will also give you a full sales funnel builder and teach you how to market online for only $25 a month, and pay you 80% commissions as an affiliate to promote it.
There is no better time to get started with affiliate marketing, as people are coming online in droves, the work from home revolution has kicked into over drive my friend!
Affiliate marketing is an inexpensive business you can start from the comfort of your own home.
We hope this blog post was helpful and you walk away from it knowing what is affiliate marketing and how it works..
Please leave your comments below if you have any questions, or just say hi.
Your Friends And Partners
Richard and John Weberg

If I don’t have a website, how do I share on social media?
Well that is why you need your own website Gloria, having your own website makes sure that you can share it everywhere and anywhere. This is what we will teach you throughout our Emoneypeeps course. We are going to help you build a complete dynamic website and blog from scratch..Walk you through each step with screen share video and instructions.
Ever played connect the dots as a kid, it will be just that easy when you follow our complete step by step modules..
Once we have helped you complete all of the set up and design, we will guide you through how to create content and teach you how to be a master marketer, and share it everywhere online.
You will be personally guided every step of the way!
We recommend taking our course here. https://emoneypeeps.com/get-started/
Your Friends And Partners
Richard And John Weberg
Love your comments,nave been trying to get started for some time now without success.I have a Click Bank I.D. and have chosen a product,but then come to a standstill i donot know how or where to promote this product,is there somewhere written instructions that take you through the whole process.Any help that you may offer would very much be appreciated.
Many Thanks
Trevor, the key is in building your own web presence online. We can teach you how to build your own website/blog, and show you how and where to promote it. In doing so, you will learn the skills necessary to promote multiple affiliate offers and make money from them. We recommend taking our course here. https://emoneypeeps.com/get-started/
You will be personally guided every step of the way!
Your Friends And Partners
Richard And John Weberg