1. After reading your post I have to admit that I thought the same things the first time I looked at LiveGood. Then I looked at it a 2nd time…. Yep, still thought the same thing… Then the 3rd time something clicked. I started thinking about how may people quit network marketing and why. One thing to remember here is that the membership is the product. Consumers are smarter than ever these days and they don’t want to pay sky high MLM prices anymore. Nor do they want to have mandatory autoships. LiveGood fixes these problems.

    1. I get what your saying, but I don’t, because Livegood pays absolutely NOTHING on product sales. So it does not matter what the products cost, because no members get paid on any product sales to their directly referred or from their downline volume anyways. Livegood is one of the lowest paying network companies I have ever seen in my 33 years of being in this industry. You literally need thousands of people in your downline before you are going to make any kind of real money.

      You can only split the 9.97 membership fee so many ways my friend..It’s just not duplicatable..Livegood will have a short run, then trust me it will come tumbling down, their is no real substance to it..The company is getting uber rich from all the products the members are buying..

      The company was very smart on how they devised Livegood, but only for their own means, as they are building an army of product consumers who make no money from the product..

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