4 Tips For Starting Your Own Blog (You can start this TODAY!)

If you want some great tips for starting your own blog, we got you covered!
Did you know the world’s first website went live on August 6, 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee? Just thought we would share a bit of history with you first.
As once upon a time creating a website was quite a complicated process, you would almost always have needed to hire it out to someone who understood and could write in HTML, or some other programming language.
The first websites and blogs were quite ugly by today’s standards…
Ever since that first website was created, there have now been billions of websites published by people around the globe.
That’s thanks to advances in technology that make creating, publishing, and marketing content easy for anyone with an Internet connection.
This blog article will share 4 key blogging tips for planning and publishing a blog that engages audiences and creates the opportunity to make passive income through online digital marketing.
Plus we will answer some of the most popular questions in regards to blogging.

What Is A Blog?
A blog is defined as, “A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top.
It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject or on multiple subjects.
Basically a blog is where your content resides, as an example you are reading this content on our EmoneyPeeps blog right now.
According to Statistics, “there are more than 570 million blogs on the web.”
The number of bloggers in the USA eclipsed 31.7 million users in 2020.
And that number will only continue to grow.
Blogs can range in styles, content, and frequency- from family photos to daily reflections to meticulous studies to in depth business articles and product reviews.
Basically anything you wish to blog about.
What Is Blogging?
Blogging refers to any form of content that is self-published online publicly and shared.
Content can be in the form of text, video, images, and audio, and usually has a combination of these.
Blogging is what we did by producing this article you are reading.
Let us show you how how to automate blogging and email marketing.

Blogging started as an opportunity for individuals to write journal or diary-style entries about one’s life, hobbies, and opinions.
Over the years it has turned into an opportunity for marketers and businesses to engage their customers on a higher level, by providing relevant content related to their products and services they are selling.
Blogging has become a huge business, because of when it is done right, it can generate tens of thousands of free organic website traffic for entrepreneurs and businesses.
This reduces cost for a business and can increase their website conversions of leads into customers 1000X.
Free organic website traffic is the holy grail of online marketing, it is the Midas touch!

Not only can blogging be used for marketing a business, but it can also become a home business in and of itself. As it has become super easy to monetize blog post through using ad networks and affiliate programs.

Why Should I Start My Own Blog?
Opportunities to create passive income streams from home are limitless when you run a successful blog. The more specific you can be about your topics and audience, the better chance you have of standing out and finding readers who are eager for your content.
There are also mental and emotional benefits that come with expressing yourself creatively in a controlled social setting. The more passion and authentic interaction you provide, the more traction your blog will get with viewers.
The same messages that used to spread by word of mouth in past generations now travel at warp speed through viral sharing of content. We now live in a digital marketing age.
A blog is a great way to get in the mix online, providing your perspectives, content and networking skills at an unlimited scale. And did we mention you can make money while you do it?
Some bloggers even make millions online..
You may not be seeking out to make millions, but just realize there is no limit to what can be accomplished through blogging.
Can I Start A Blog For Free?
There are several ways to start a free blog online, just do not be tempted by the free route, unfortunately this will not be very smart, as when you try and go the free route you will be extremely limited in controlling all aspects of your blog.
And you will not own your content that you put out, and it can be taken down at anytime.
The first blogs I started years ago, were free blogs, and almost immediately after they were starting to generate sales for me, they were taken down without any explanation.
I had put my heart and soul into them, including some very nice video sales presentations I uploaded to them.
All my content I had put out was lost, so my time and effort had been wasted. It is also not really professional, and will be looked not very highly upon by people who visit a free blog, because you have no real choice of the domain name and over all look of it.
You cannot brand a free blog and the domain name is not yours, you do not own it.
It may seem tempting because of it being “FREE”, just realize we have never seen anyone successful doing it this route, and we have been doing stuff a combined almost three decades now.

The Best Way To Start A Blog
The best way to start a blog is by figuring out the focus of your blog, what is the niche you are interested in? Blogs are usually about things that are interesting to you, or that you have knowledge or are passionate about.
It is easier to start a blog about something that you already have a passion for, because it will make it easier for you to produce content, when you know something about it. This is the right way to start an blog.
Blogs are a great way to share stories about your day, create or promote businesses, start conversations, or voice opinions. First, choose a topic that inspires you.
Think about what you are passionate about and topics that are relevant to your life or business.
Maybe you already have a business, and you want to expand it, or maybe you are just trying to do affiliate marketing, maybe you love to cook and you want to turn it into a money making venture, what ever it is that gets you off of the couch and excited, that is what you should focus and start your blog around.
This is the best way to start a blog especially for beginners.

4 Tips For Starting Your Own Blog
If your getting eager to get your blog started, there’s no time like the present. But before you dive in, there are a few important things you should know. Here are some tips to get you started on the right foot.
1. Use The Right CMS (Content Management System)
This may seem more complicated than it really is, as most managed hosting you purchase will be reliant upon the most commonly used CMS, and in many cases it can come with it already installed, with nothing left on your part to do to set it up.
What Is A Content Management System (CMS)?
A content management system, often abbreviated as CMS, is software tool or platform that helps users create, manage, and modify content on a website/blog without the need for specialized technical knowledge or coding.
In simpler terms, a content management system is a software platform that helps you build a website/blog without needing to write all the code from scratch (or even know how to code at all).
Choosing the right CMS will make it easy for you to start, manage and run a blog. WordPress CMS is the most popular in the world.
What Is The Best CMS Platform?
WordPress is by far the most popular and effective content management system, and the easiest to use. You can basically set up a website and start blogging today with WordPress.
Like the old Dunkin’ Doughnuts saying “America Runs on Dunkin’.”
Well in the blogging arena “The Worlds Blogs Runs on WordPress.”
There are other CMS platforms available like Hubspot, and if you have a growing business already with other needs, Hubspot may be right for you.
However, if you are just getting started, we highly recommend you stick with managed WordPress Hosting.
How Easy Is It To Start A Blog?
Content Management Services like WordPress make it extremely easy to publish your blog to the world wide web in just a few clicks. The hardest part honestly will be in choosing your domain name.
Do not worry though, we have set up a free course to walk you through the entire blogging process.
Here is how we can help you.

2. Make A Content Plan And Stick To It
Don’t overdo it. Slow and steady wins the race. Providing and publishing consistent quality content will build trust and affinity with your audience.
Don’t bombard them one week, go silent for two months, and expect to gain a dedicated following.
Instead, be realistic about what you can manage and take it slow. Quality is the key, spend the time making your content the absolute best.
3. Share Your Content Like Crazy
Now is not the time to be shy. Your blog should be a digital manifestation of your deepest passions.
Share it with strangers. Share it with friends, Share it with enemies, and embrace all feedback as constructive engagement. Social media will help in sharing your new blog content with masses of people.
As your audience increases, ask for video testimonials from them, testimonials especially through video are very powerful blog marketing tools.
4. Connect With Your Audience
Pay attention to who is supporting you the most and pour back into them with exclusive content, authentic interaction, and anything you can do to make them feel special.
The Internet is a connection tool, so the more intimate you can make your user experience, the better! Also, you should optimize the funnel and user experience your audience goes through as well.
Are You Ready To Start Your Own Blog?
Why not join our supportive online community to get the best resources for your businesses growth including – Website Hosting, Content Marketing, CRMs, Testimonials and Memes.
Use the content and the resources we listed in this article to get started with your new blog, or expand an existing one.
We really hope this article 4 Tips For Starting Your Own Blog has been extremely helpful to you.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section below or just say hello.
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Richard And John Weberg