How To Choose A Good Domain Name For Your Website (That’s also Brandable)

How To Choose A Good Domain: Why It’s Important For Your Business!
Amazon….Google…..Facebook….these are all brandable domains that have become synonymous with people all over the world.
So if you want to learn how to choose a good domain name, and why it’s so important – read on!

Firstly, you should find a domain name that fits your niche and is something your audience will remember. If you sell cars, there is no point choosing a domain that mentions watches or boxing in the name!
A poor example would be
Not only is this domain name not very brandable, but its far too long to remember!
Secondly, is your chosen domain name actually available? As of 2019, there were 359.8 million registered domains!!!
You can register your domain name at a domain provider, such as KnownHost or Nexcess
If you head over to one of these websites, you can search for your desired domain name to see if it’s available.
Grab some paper and write down some initial ideas around what your topic, niche or online business is all about.
Video Walk-through: Choosing A Good Domain Name
KnownHost the web hosting service I am using in the video has changed the look and feel of their website, so if your following along in the video to register your own domain name, then just go to the Knownhost website here, and then scroll down to the footer and click on domain registration.
How To Choose A Good Domain Name For Your Blog or Website
To recap, you should choose a domain name that:
- Represents your niche
- Can be brand-able for your business
- Is something memorable
- Isn’t already taken!
- Should preferably be a .com (that’s the extension at the end of a domain name!)
- Is short and sweet
- Avoids using any hyphens such as
How To Choose a Niche For Your Domain Name
The first step in choosing the best domain name really lies in choosing what your website or blogs’ niche will be.
We all know that your blog needs a niche of some kind, that could be:
- Marketing
- Making Money Online
- Crossfit Exercises
- Veganism
- Dog Sitting
- Underwater Cross Stitching?!?!
Whatever crazy niche you can think up, there are an endless amount of things to blog about!
Most professional bloggers will tell you to start with something that you’re truly passionate about because it helps you “maintain a consistent writing schedule, and pushes through failure to succeed.”
So you should actually choose a niche that intersects best with your desires, passion, skills, and experience.
Ask yourself these questions, and use them to research some niche ideas for your new blog or website.
- Does your passion for it drive you to teach & share?
- Do you already have previous experience with this niche?
- Are you knowledgeable in this niche?
- Does it drive you to help others succeed?

How To Choose The Perfect Domain Name
Here is one really important thing to consider as well when choosing the perfect domain name, because..
As a website/blog owner, you are the brand. You need to be the brand.
So your domain name does not have to reflect your niche per say, and if you choose a domain name to niche specific, you will not be able to pivot from it, if your interests change..
As an example: you chose a domain name of, now a year later you change your mind because your interest and focus have totally changed..Now your super focused and passionate about cooking and want to share about that instead..
You couldn’t really use the domain to do it.
You can’t exactly write and add content for cooking on a domain name that reflects baby toys in its name..
You would have to start a website/blog from scratch again.
Make sense?
How much time, effort and money have you already put into jumpingbabytoys?

Using Your Name As Your Domain Name
Affiliate marketers love to use their name as the domain name!
This is because you are branding yourself, and putting a real person (you) behind your website, blog or niche.
But you still need to be aware of what niche you truly want to go after, because if you have a name like “James Johnson” your never going to be able to get as a domain name.
26,850 other people in the United States alone have that name!
My name – Richard Weberg, is not so common, so it was easy to register my website, which is
So you can see that how to choose a good domain name (using your name!) can be incredibly brandable!
What Domain Extension Should I Choose?
Ideally, you should try and register a .com extension, but this may not always be available!
You could try a different domain extension such as .net, .org or .me
There are over 1,000 domain name extensions, and you could use a clever extension should (not available, sadly!)
Google loves a .com domain because it’s the oldest and largest period! This means more natural clout for your website/blog.
Or you could add your middle name or nickname to your domain name, because that is still you and will work good.
For example: if your name is James Brian Johnson you could see if is available.
Or if you had a nickname of JJ you could try
Or something like

Can I Use My Profession or Occupation In My Domain Name?
Like or, these domain names look very professional and sound like a website you can trust!
How to choose a good domain name – don’t make it too long!
Short ones tend to work best because otherwise your domain name may not be easily remembered.
Now let say that you have played the violin for 15 years and are still super passionate about it, your probably not going to ever change your mind regarding this niche..Your interest will be there the rest of your life..
In our minds that truly opens the door for using a very niche specific domain name..
As an example: you would just have to try variations tell you find one available.
Still would much rather see you use your name, because it brands you.
But as the internet grows that gets harder to do and find the perfect domain name..Good ones are getting harder to come by.
But you can still learn how to choose a good domain name by contacting us here, we can help you.

We can help you through this process.

Alternative Domain Names You Can Use
There is another way of branding with a domain name as well that can encompass you being able to write about any niche or topic you want.
You can pivot from this type of domain name very easily..And the domain name itself will be easily identified, remembered and catchy.
These types of domain names are really great and personal as well..Example;
See that as a domain name, does not encompass anyone specific niche, the fireman’s wife could write about anything..And a real story could be wrote around it in so many ways.
How to choose a good domain name should encompass something catchy, short and memorable.
Key points To Choosing A Good Domain Name For Your Blog or Website
1. Go with a .com extension if at all possible for your website domain name
2. Try to get your name as the domain name, or some version of it.
3. Do not make it to long. Your domain name should be easy to remember.
4. Play around with different combinations & get creative.
5. After choosing a domain name, do not hate it.
So make sure to follow our guidance on how to choose a good domain name, so you love it!

Making Money With A Good Domain Name
The top bloggers in the world earn millions, but even a part-time blogger can expect to make a nice profit if things are done in the right way.
The best part about having your own website/blog is it’s a form of passive income, since you can spend just a few hours a week writing pieces of good content and then continue to profit from it long after the the writing is finished. We go into much more detail on how to monetize your website/blog in our courses.
So take some time and learn how to choose a good domain name that is best for you, and you will be very happy with my friend..
Please leave us a comment below if you have any questions or need help in anyway, or just say hi.
Have a fantastic day!
Your Friends And Partners
Richard And John Weberg

Very interesting blog. I hope you doing this job in future at more. I am getting better knowladge now to read your blog.Very intersting .Thank you
Glad you like it my friend, we will keep putting out great content!
Welcome to EmoneyPeeps!
Being around this biz for years, you can see who is helpful and sincere (to move people in the right direction) and who are not.
Let me bite my tongue on the latter ( You know who you are)!
Richard & Jon, have always lifted their students to a greater presence online, and they are getting my + testimonial because of the extra mile they go to help out, in any way possible.
This is an independent opinion, that was learned the hard way! Following Fake Gurus.
Thank you for the kind words my friend, we appreciate your feedback very much, and are very happy to hear that we have been helpful to you! To your success!
Really good blog,thank so much for your time in writing the posts.
Thank you and appreciate your feedback! Welcome to EmoneyPeeps my friend!
Very good site,thank you very much for your time in writing the posts.
Thank you and appreciate your feedback! Welcome to EmoneyPeeps my friend!
You are most welcome my friend, and welcome to EmoneyPeeps!
cool site. Thanks for showing us.
You are most welcome my friend, and welcome to EmoneyPeeps!
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