12 Hot Tips On How To Close A Sale

The hardest part of selling stuff for most people, especially when it comes to big ticket items, is learning how to close a sale.
Closing ‘the deal’ lets you get paid for your efforts, and so learning how to do it well is how you will make a good living.
The art of closing a sale is something that can be learned through the repetition of doing it over and over again, all the while learning better communication skills.
The first step to learning how to close more sales, is by getting over the fear of ‘Selling’ in general.

You Are Already Closing Sales
Many people cringe when they hear the word ‘Sales” and they want nothing to do with it.
This makes the selling process for most people harder to learn, because they feel icky about it before they even begin.
Even though throughout our daily life we sell things all of the time without even realizing it.
You have closed more sales than you can possibly imagine.
- We sell people on movies we have watched
- We sell our children on things they should do, and not do
- We sell our significant others all of the time to get them to do things for us, or with us
- We sell our friends on restaurants they should eat at, or not eat at
- We sell people on products and services we use in our everyday lives
Think about it, have you ever done ‘show and tell’ to a friend or family member about an item you bought, because you loved it so much?
Sure you have, everybody does it.
Put it this way, if you have friends you know how to close a sale.
See you do not have to feel bad about sales, because you close sales all of the time already, it was just in your mind that you were sharing, helping, explaining, educating, motivating, teaching, being excited, in your mind you were not doing ‘sales’.
Yet, technically all of these activities can be summed up as selling, because you are using “the art of persuasion” to help people make decisions.
And you do it all of the time, and some people are really good at closing the sale already, and do not even realize it, and yes, some people stink at it.
Now that you realize sales is not something to fear, and you now know you are already closing deals, let’s give you some tips to help you get better at it, so you can earn more money.

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12 Best Tips For Closing More Sales
Your job is to simply help the prospect bridge the gap between where they are now to where they want to be, no matter what the product or service you are selling is.
If you follow these tips you will definitely close more sales.

1. Introduce Your Self
Who you are, and specify how you can bring value to your client, and that your glad to make their acquaintance. Do not under any circumstances mention being incredible at what you do!
Keep it short and sweet, and real..Boasting will not make you sales.
Just start a conversation like a regular human being….

2. Be Your Self
Do not try to be or sound like someone else, prospects and leads need to see and hear the real you.
Every part of the sales process is about building like, know and trust, do not ruin this by being phony.
3. Relax
Be relaxed, remember what we explained earlier, closing more sales is about having conversations, you already know how to do this.
There is no need to get nervous, or make your potential customers nervous.
4. Be Sincere
Your sincerity needs to shine through, in other words do not try and sell things you do not believe in, that will make closing sales very difficult.
Your prospects need to hear in your voice and see in your face, that YOU believe what you are selling.
“People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” – Theodore Roosevelt
5. Be Confident, Not Cocky
There is nothing worse than acting like you are all full of yourself.
People like working with someone who is confident in what they do, but if you start acting like your shit don’t stink, your in for a fools landing.
And nobody likes a fool…
6. Listen More Than You Talk
Do not take over the conversation, remember it is just that, a conversation.
What do people like to talk about? Themselves, their business, their needs, their wants.
How else are you going to help them solve their problems if you do not listen and find out what they are?
People buy solutions to their problems or what gives them more of what they desire.
We humans only do things that give us more pleasure or get rid of our problems.
Remember: You have two eyes, two ears, and just one mouth.

7. Ask Questions
Ask clarifying questions to dig deeper into what is the main issues or motivations of your potential client.
By asking clarifying questions, you’ll be able to lead your prospects to lead themselves into buying whatever it is your selling.
This also lets them know that you are genuinely interested in providing real solutions for them.
If there is one main tip that over shadows all of the rest, and you want to make more sales than you know what to do with – Ask Questions!
Just like we explained earlier, people love to talk about themselves, their family, their business, their needs, their job, their problems…
And DO NOT ask them a question and say aha, yep, or something that says you are not really listening..
There is nothing worse than someone trying to act like they are listening and caring when they really aren’t.
Listen – and the sale shall be yours, it all goes back to being sincere..
8. Sell the Benefits, Not the Features
In other words, don’t describe what it is. Describe what your selling will do for them.
A feature is something your product or service has, whereas a benefit is the product’s result when a customer uses your product or service.
In other words, features are logical while benefits are emotional.
What problem will the product or service solve of theirs, what joy will it give them?
This is why you ask clarifying questions first, so you know which benefits to focus on.
You focus on what matters to the buyer, not what you want to focus on.
Make sense?
Here is another way to explain the benefits.
Have you ever seen a commercial for Zest soap? Well, in the commercial they focus on feeling Zest fully clean, and they show an actor feeling over joyed with how Zest soap makes them feel.
In the commercial they do not focus on the ingredients, cost or anything of the sort, they only focus on how Zest is going to make you feel when you shower with it.
Quote from their website: “Drench your skin with the positive energy of Zest. Our patented technology formula will moisturize, soothe and make your skin more vibrant. Clean Zestfully!”
9. Install Confidence With Your Prospects
Let your prospects and clients know what is going to happen next. Be specific, do not leave them hanging. Explain to them the process after they purchase.
Make them feel confident that they will have support, and anytime they have questions or need help there is a way for them to get it.
Give them the information a head of time before you try to close the sale.
Confidence breeds trust.
10. Do Not Make Promises You Can Not Keep
This is a no-brainer, and unethical, so just don’t do it!
11. Share Past Customer Testimonials
Once you have identified your prospects problems, needs and wants, share past customer testimonials that are relevant, and how the product or service you are selling gave them the solutions (benefits) they were looking for, and how happy they are now.
12. Close The Sale
Summarize what you have talked about with the client, and proceed them to pay for the product or service, and stay with them until it is completed.
This is even more important for high ticket sales.
Just lead them through it, act as though it is the next step, as it is. You do not have a close, until they pay.

Do Not Make These Sales Closing Mistakes
You may discover that some common techniques when selling a service or product that are used and suggested by so-called ‘experts’ can be misleading or just completely wrong, such as:
- Do not do high pressure sales tactics – Make friends, people buy from people they like.
- Talking over the client will destroy your close – People want to be heard.
- Boasting – This will get you know where fast, the client cares about what’s in it for them, not how great you are.
- Do not offer misleading products or services – Never do this, it is just unethical and will get you in trouble.
- Do not make promises you cannot keep – Again, the sale does not matter if you can not full fill a promise.
- Stop using a script – The client does not want to feel like they are being sold to.
- Stop selling after the close – Do not keep talking more about what you are selling, confirm the agreement and move on to what’s next for the client.
Stay focused at all times, this is how to close a sale quickly and efficiently.

Best Strategies To Close Sales
Sales is the process of identifying and solving a prospects problems.
You should not try and ‘hard sell’ a prospect or lead.
Your job is to simply help the prospect bridge the gap between where they are now to where they want to be.
It’s important to know a few other facts about sales as well, before you actively start selling and closing deals.
The product or service you’re offering is not as important.
Why not?
Your audience doesn’t care about the product or service in general. In sales, your prospect only cares about how the product or services will get them the results they want.
As well, your prospect only cares about how your product or service will eliminate their problems or give them more joy.
Almost always, the majority of the ‘Features’ of your product fall away as the prospect truly only cares about what results they can achieve.
Closing a customer or prospect comes down to 1 main factor. What is the prospects perception of certainty they’ll get the results they want? Read that again. The “prospects perception” is key here.
Your prospect MUST have the perception of certainty – otherwise they won’t buy. You can offer deals, discounts, and anything else under the sun.
It doesn’t matter.
They must believe within their own mind, that they are going to truly get results. If you understand how to put that perception in your prospect or leads mind they will buy every single time.
Your job is not to explain. Your job is to ask questions. By asking clarifying questions, you’ll be able to lead your prospect to lead themselves into buying your product or service.

How To Start A Sales Call
People are often afraid or anxious about how to start a sales call.
In reality, this should be the most natural and relaxed part of the call.
The reason for why it should be so easy, is because you should start a sales call how you start any other conversation.
“Hey, how’s it going?” is a true and tested formula to start off any conversation.
Most “sales gurus” proclaim you have to have some sort of “special introduction” and that’s a load of bull.
You see, if you truly want to resonate with people and build rapport – you have to sound natural and sincere.
If you have a good qualified sales lead, and follow all of the tips we have shared, you can successfully close almost every sales call.

If you want to learn how to close more deals even faster, or you want to start a sales call without anxiety, be more natural!
The more you are yourself, the more people will trust you.
Because here’s another sales secret… People sense bullshit. People can sense when you’re being fake in sales.
People know when you’re not being yourself.
Especially after you’ve been in business for so long, I can tell if I’m being sold within 10 seconds of talking with someone.
Other people can too. This is why you’ll want to be yourself and just act and talk as you normally do.
This is the true and tested fastest way to building REAL rapport.
Closing Sales Using Clarifying Questions
This is the first and most important sales strategy you’ll ever use in your life.
After learning how to use clarifying questions in sales, I literally saw 10X more profits almost instantly.
You’ll find that if you truly want to close deals, these clarifying questions are the easiest way to get there.
So let’s first answer the question, what are clarifying questions and why do they matter?
Clarifying questions are specific questions that are asked in a way to get specific responses back.
In other words, you can get your prospect to both identify their own problems, and to identify that you have the solutions to those problems.
How To Close A Sale Without Being Pushy
Here’s how that works…
Let’s imagine I’m talking to an advertising agency on a sales call.
Of course I want to build rapport with them and learn more about why they scheduled the call in the first place.
As well, it’s important that I ask more specific and clarifying questions as they tell me about themselves.
For example; when a prospect tells me about how they have trouble getting qualified leads, I can ask questions to clarify and identify further why they’re having that specific problem.
“So tell me, why do you think you guys have been seeing this as an issue?”

Once you’ve identified the true problem that a prospect is facing, you need to begin asking clarifying questions to help your prospect identify the solutions to those problems.
These questions should be asked in a way so that when they’re answered, the answer leads to your product or service.
Here’s an example of this…
“So, do you think if you were able to get more qualified leads, your profit would start increasing since you’re getting more leads?”
They of course would answer yes, and then you can ask another clarifying question that leads to your service or product being the answer.
“Do you think if we did the work to get you those qualified leads, that would help you?”
They answer yes.
Do you see what just happened?
You didn’t have to tell or sell the prospect anything, and they said “yes” that they want your help and services.
It’s win-win!
This is why and how clarifying questions allow you to be able to sell better than any other selling strategy on the planet.
By asking clarifying questions, you enable yourself to be able to have your prospects literally sell themselves!
- They sell themselves LITERALLY.
- This is how to sell without pressure.
- This is how to sell without objections.
- This is how to close a sale without being pushy

Use it! Now instead of you having to ask yourself, “How can I close more sales?” you can ask, “How can I upsell every closed sale?” (This increases profit even more)
Do Not Fear Closing A Sale
The closing of a sales pitch is also one of the parts of sales that people fear most.
People are afraid of rejection and hearing the word no.

People are also afraid of not getting the money they need from each sale as well.
This is why I’ve perfected the perfect way to help anyone learn how to close a sales pitch easily.
Again, this will be a natural transition that feels normal and is very “zero pressure”.
This works as well if you’re learning how to close high ticket sales or are learning how to close a high ticket client.
If you want to close a sales pitch with ease, do just this.
Ask another clarifying question!
Once you’ve gone through and have identified with the prospect:
1. The problems they have.
2. Why your offer is the solution to those problems.

You want to ask: “Do you think that everything we went through makes sense, and sounds good to you?”
They say, Yes… You say, “Great, glad to hear we’re definitely on the same page. It seems like we have a plan then, and you want to work with us?”
Then they say Yes and you say, “Great! Let’s get you paid through so we can get started right away today.”
Then you ask for their credit card info, have them sign up, etc.

Or if they say no, you then will ask another question to find what their objection is.
You would then ask: “Well was there anything we missed or is their something that I am not aware of that is stopping you from wanting us to move forward on (Bring them back to the benefit they are wanting).”
Share once again how what you are selling will give them what they desire, cover the objection and move them to closing once again.
It’s literally that easy to close out a sale.
While being the head sales consultant with Frank Kern, this is the exact methodology and type of questions I used to close over 100 clients at $8,600 a piece. Yes, it really works and will work for you.
During this close, you want to be as natural and genuine as possible.
The main sales strategy you’re using, is to ask clarifying questions which lead to the conversation moving forward.
That’s all you have to do.
It’s one of the most natural ways to close more sales.
This sales tip and sales strategy is in fact used by Frank Kern himself.
So, do you think it works?
Closing Out A Sale
And like any transaction, both parties want to feel they got themselves a fair deal.
So closing is about closing the deal fairly with both parties feeling like they’ve gotten something out of it (and ideally got more than what was expected).
Here are a few examples, that can be used in person, by email or over the phone to set up those first meetings, and close a deal.
It doesn’t matter how you are contacting someone because the principles are the same.
- If you have any questions, please feel free to email/call/meet me anytime
- Can we set up an initial meeting?
- As we discussed on the phone, I would like to meet you in person and discuss further details. We can also show you some of our work and get your feedback.
- Is there anything else we should go over?
- I think we covered everything, is there any other questions you have for me?
- It was a pleasure speaking with you today
- Great! As this concludes our talk, I would like to thank you again for taking the time to speak with me today.
- If there are no more questions, let’s talk about the next steps.
- Can we schedule a quick follow-up meeting?
Of course some of these contacting tips are more preferred to the type of lead you have, be that a client, customer, subscriber – or even if it is made in person, by phone, by email, or video.
We have used all of these closing sale examples throughout our business ventures, and we’re sure you will increase your closing rates and build trust with your audience using all these techniques we have gone over in this article.

What To Do After Closing A Sale
You know what’s more important than closing a sale?
Keeping a customer satisfied and happy.
What happens after a sale is more important for 2 reasons:
1. You keep customers longer and build customer loyalty.
2. You reduce the chance of sales refunds and sales charge-backs.
It’s a well known fact that the cost of acquiring a customer is MULTIPLE times more than the cost to keep a customer.
This is why you will want to make sure you follow the next few tips on how to keep and retain a sales client after closing.
Once a lead has paid to become a customer, you want to do a variety of important things such as:
A. Congratulate the customer, and maybe also give them a free surprise bonus for working with you. What this does is enhance their feelings of trust and gratification with your business.
B. Onboard the customer. This could mean you get the customer onto an on-boarding call with a customer service agent, or this could mean you walk them through a back office they get access to.
Or could mean something totally different all depends on what you are actually selling.
C. Immediately after closing a sale, set up a follow up call or meeting, this ensures the new customer feels they will be well taken care of, and not abandoned because they just paid.
This is very important for the customer, and it is a big fear for many people that after they have paid, they will be left high and dry.
You do not want your customers getting buyers remorse…
This will help ensure the customer is happy and enjoying their benefit you sold them.
People often need support to keep their confidence high with any company they work with.

If you continue following up with each customer on a regular basis, you’ll retain the majority of your clients while also building their faith with you or your brand even deeper.
Now, there is even more you can do to increase profits that much further.
You can actually upsell / downsell / resell already sold customers!
Yes, you can do these even with high ticket sales clients as well.
So we’re going to cover next, how to close already closed clients – for a second time!
Cross Selling Strategies
Congratulations! You just closed a client and earned some great profit for doing so.
Now the challenge is, what to do next?
You of course want to deliver on all promises and expectations made to the client you just closed.
You should be making sure to follow up and continue building a genuine relationship with each customer closed.

If you want to truly scale your business with sales then you will want to up-sell each newly closed client.
Within a week to month or so you will want to reach out to the closed client to see how things are going for them.
If and only if you are dealing with a happy customer who is genuinely loving the product or service they’ve purchased, then you’ll want to proceed to seeing what other ways you can service them.
Again on this “upselling sales call” you’ll want to make sure you’re simply asking clarifying questions to identify any further needs your customer has.
Then of course, you ask more clarifying questions that lead to your customer telling you if they want to invest in solving any of these additional needs.

You can down sell already sold customers as well, instead of just up-selling them.
Sometimes a customer or client needs a smaller additional package or service alongside the main offer they invested in.
Overall your strategy should always be to continue serving your customers in as many possible ways as possible.
Even if your selling something like real estate, you should be following up with your customers and see how they are loving their new property – continue the relationship and it will reward you for a life-time.
This ensures you grow the life time value of your customers with a sales strategy that’s effective.
More profit is produced, and this enables you to continue serving customers even better!
Looking to learn about cross-selling strategies, and a lot more?
Join our FREE club, and we’ll take you on a journey to improve this side of your business.
In Conclusion
Learning how to close more sales requires time, dedication, and practice through doing them.
As you do more and more sales calls and closings over time you’ll develop your communication skills in a major way.
Your newly added and improved sales skills with enable you to get higher sales closing rates.
Keep in mind the all of the tips we mentioned in this article such as accurately identifying customer needs and wants, emphasizing benefits and value, making sure to listen and respond to customer feedback, and being confident throughout the process.
Remember that by utilizing these tactics and applying them to your sales process you will be able to close more sales with greater success.
We hoped you got much wisdom and tips from this article “12 Best Tips On How To Close A Sale”
We are always here if you have any questions.
Or simply post them in the comments section below, even if its just to say hello.
With our kindest regards,
Jon Weberg & Richard Weberg