Onpassive Review: The Truth & Why You Should Be Careful

For years now Onpassive has been present in the network marketing space. However, plagued by complaints from the FTC, potential legal issues, and bad customer reviews – it seems other network marketing companies may be better solutions. Regardless of these views however, we have decided to do a complete and comprehensive Onpassive review.
Keep in mind this review comes from research, studying, connecting with past customers, and uses our own experience being in the network marketing industry for over 12 years. Use your own discretion in deciding what you think about any company. This is simply our own personal findings.
What Is Onpassive?
Currently Onpassive is advertised and shown to be a company that specializes in AI based software, services, and education. However, this has not always been the case. It has changed its focus many times. Originally it was more of a network marketing company focused on recruiting new members and that’s it.
Onpassive has accusations of being a pyramid scheme, reported on by the SEC itself and governing bodies. It may not be a legit company, it’s unclear.
Onpassive Real Or Fake?
There are a variety of substantial negative claims being made by the SEC including reports of fake or misleading false reviews made by the company. Our research leads us to conclude that Onpassive is not a company that anyone should work with. However, you should use your own discretion in making these kinds of decisions.
After looking at the full SEC report, customer complains, and more – we do not find Onpassive a good company for earning an income from home with. Network marketers should look towards other options and alternatives.
Custom Complaints
There is a variety of unanswered complaints from customers against Onpassive, proof of which are supplied by the BBB. While the BBB isn’t always the most credible source to consider, you can also see a variety of issues arising from the official SEC litigation.
Pricing & Costs
As the name “ONPASSIVE” implies, Mufareh and ONPASSIVE promoted the “scheme” as a “passive” income opportunity by emphasizing that investors did not have to do anything, other than make a one-time purchase of product and pay monthly subscription fees and, in the case of Founders, the $97 fee, to receive commissions.
Compensation Plan
Here is a portion of the compensation plan for Onpassive described from a page on their website, “Subscription fee is 125 USD for a month. You will have to buy it quarterly/three months period. One month is free, you will pay for two months. You already get 10 O-Koin when you register for free. (1 O-Koin is 1 USD.)
So you will pay 240 USD and use it for three months. Up to 10.000 seat capacity for unlimited time. 100% of first sale. You break even when you make only one sale. After that, you will get 25% of every single sale. And more bonuses in the future, but no exact details known at the moment. (That’s part of the delicious/secret). There will be different packages in December (90 days later), more expensive or less expensive”
However there are reports of affiliates not being paid the commissions they are owed. Much of what their website said is either unclear or not precise.
There are many better Onpassive alternatives that can be considered. Here’s a list of 2 network marketing companies that are not being investigated, and that offer great services and products.
Great Life Worldwide
One of the best performing and new network marketing companies that is making big waves, is Great Life Worldwide. After doing a thorough review of their products, services, and compensation plan – we found that they are among the highest performing in the world. Great Life has done a good job making sure both customers and network marketing distributors are going to be happy.
Another great opportunity for you to be able to use an incredible product while potential earning money from reselling the product, is GotBackup. We are the #1 team and affiliates in the entire company, so we are extremely knowledgeable about their CEO, products, compensation plan, and more. (We have even visited their headquarters on 7 different occasions)
Who Is The Founder Of Onpassive?
Ashraf Mufareh is the founder and CEO of Onpassive, as suggested by the SEC document laid out by the government. Him and other founders are being investigated by the SEC.
Is The Onpassive Ecosystem Legit?
It is extremely difficult to know what is and isn’t legit or a scam with Onpassive. After reading the SEC filings it seems there is not a lot to go off of and truly know with Onpassive. This is why we recommend many other alternatives and options. The ecosystem they have has been changed and is going through many changes.
Final Thoughts & Conclusion About Onpassive
After going through this thorough Onpassive review, it seems that there may be a risk of being a customer or affiliate of Onpassive. You should use your own careful discretion and thoughts when considering whether or not to work with this company.
With our kindest regards,
Jon Weberg
Richard Weberg