7 Best Home Services Marketing Strategies Guide

Many different industries in marketing are growing, one of which is home services marketing. And this complete guide will walk you through the 7 best home services marketing strategies you can use to grow your business profitable. Each of these strategies has been proven to work from our 20+ years experience being marketing consultants and business owners ourselves.
Take these strategies and make sure you apply them to your home service business quickly so you can start seeing more leads, customers, and sales coming through from your marketing efforts. Without further ado, here’s more information on this topic…
What Is Home Services Marketing?
Home services marketing is the process of doing marketing for services that are most often performed at a home or in a local market. Some examples of home services include…
- Landscaping
- Plumbing
- Electrical work
- Storage services
- Home inspections
- Flooring
Marketing for home services is important for you to be able to grow your home services business efficiently and profitably. Home services can be grown from word of mouth advertising, but that isn’t always enough to enable lead generation and customer growth at scale.
Home services marketing is the best path to follow in order to bring in leads and customers for any home service business.
How Does It Work?
Home services marketing works very similar to other marketing strategies. The only difference is that usually home services marketing strategies are more local in the market they are trying to attract and go after.
Because when you offer a home service of any kind, you’re working usually individually with home owners within your local area or town. Sometimes it can reach other nearby towns, but rarely does a home service extend state wide, unless the home service business has started becoming a franchise or is truly able to reach that size of audience.
With home services marketing your goal is to build your brand recognition within your local town or area, while also generation potential leads and also buyers.
7 Best Home Services Marketing Strategies For Any Business Type
1. Create Video Content And Share It To Social Media
Local marketing, advertising, and content – is very rarely done with video. However, video is one of the fastest ways to build a strong bond with your audience and to generate leads & buyers. This is why you’ll want to start doing video and sharing those videos to your social media channels, upload them to YouTube, and also send them potentially directly to leads & customers.
Video grabs the attention of people who are watching it and allows you to convey a stronger and more impactful message across the board.
2. Run Local Facebook & Instagram Ads
In order to work with people and customers within your local area, you should start testing and running Facebook advertising. Facebook and Instagram ads have great tracking and ways for you to target a specific area in your town or state.
Ads that are run locally often can perform better since people are more likely to work with a brand or business that they recognize from their area.
3. Do Local SEO & Content Writing
Local SEO and home service business SEO can be used to easily generate leads, customers, and brand awareness for your products and services. Local SEO is also easier to rank for which means you can write and create high ranking content that ranks in search engines.
Locals and people in your home town market will be able to see your article and content rank, and visit your website or blog. This increases your overall visibility by a lot.
4. Get Your Business Recognized & Claimed On Google
Getting your business recognized and claimed on Google can mean an permanent advertising spot that’s free on Google searches related to your services. When businesses are claimed from Google, that business is then able to change what people see when they search for their business name or services related to their business.
It only takes a little bit of time so make sure your home service business is properly claimed on Google. This will also help your SEO strategy too.
5. Have Your Own Professional Website Created
You can easily and for free create a website for your business within a few minutes. Using WordPress, WIX, and other free website designers – it is pretty simple.
A well designed website can make your business stand out from others. As well, you can create content on your website such as pages and articles that can rank and bring in search engine traffic like we discussed above.
6. Have Consistent Call To Actions Through All Of Your Marketing
You need to make sure that throughout all of your marketing for your home services, that you make sure you have a clear, “Call To Action”.
This call to action is simply a button or link that directs your customer or prospect to take an action. Such as, “Call Now”, or “Book Your Appointment”, or “Buy Now”. You need to have clear call to actions that are easy to read and bold on your website, emails, ads, and more.
7. Follow Up Faster With All Customers And Leads
Simply following up faster with customers and prospects will enable you to close more customers and build more faith with your business. People want to work with a home service business that is able to quickly and intelligently respond to their questions, concerns, and more.
Follow up more frequently, faster, and with higher quality messaging with all of your marketing in order to see absolute growth.
Home Services Business Opportunities
While we gave you some amazing home services business strategies for marketing that you can use. However, there are also some amazing opportunities to start a home service business if you haven’t already. Here are all of the best and potential service business opportunities for homes & also apartments…
- House cleaning
- Gutter cleaning
- Lawn care
- Yard work
- Landscaping
- Roofing
- Garden services
- Interior decorating
- Handyman services
- Electrician
- Plumber
- Pool and fountain care
- Home inspection services
- Personal organizers
Final Thoughts On This Home Marketing Services Guide
The home services niche is one that is in real need of best marketing practices. Make sure to apply these marketing strategies to your business and you’ll be sure to see excellent results. Every home service business can use these types of marketing tips to ensure their growth for years and possibly even decades to come.
We appreciate you so much for deciding to read through and learn from our expertise. Your time and learning is very much appreciated!
With our kindest regards,
Jon Weberg
Richard Weberg